Project Documentation Languages Overview

A Logix Designer software project may be configured to show project documentation for any supported language, regardless if the project has content or not. If a language has content, either because the content was entered manually or imported from a localization file, the project documentation that has been localized is displayed in the selected current language. If a language or a portion of documentation has no localization associated with it, then the documentation is blank.
In addition to showing the current language’s documentation, you have the option to specify a default language to view. A default language’s content is shown when the current language’s content is blank for a particular portion of documentation.
Project documentation that supports multiple translations includes these variables:
  • Component descriptions in tags, routines, programs, Equipment Phases, Equipment Sequences, user-defined data types, and Add-On Instructions
  • Engineering units and state identifiers added to tags, user-defined data types, or Add-On Instructions
  • Trends
  • Controllers
  • Alarm Messages (in configuration of ALARM_ANALOG and ALARM_DIGITAL tags)
  • Tasks
  • Property descriptions for module in the Controller Organizer
  • Rung comments, SFC text boxes, and FBD text boxes
Enabling Project Documentation Languages in Logix Designer Software
By default, the Project Documentation Languages feature is not enabled in Logix Designer software projects. You must explicitly turn on the Project Documentation Languages feature by choosing a current language for the project. You can choose languages from the Documentation Languages Toolbar or by opening the
Project Documentation Language Configuration
dialog box.
Once a current language is chosen from the Documentation Languages toolbar or once the
Project Documentation Language Configuration
dialog box is opened for the first time (in a project where the documentation is not associated with a language), you are informed that all existing project documentation needs to be associated with a language. The
Project Documentation Language
dialog box opens for you to choose the language with which to associate existing project documentation.
Once existing documentation is associated with a language, language neutral documentation no longer exists in the project. This operation cannot be undone.
Switching Documentation Languages
Once Project Documentation Languages is enabled in a project, that project’s documentation may be switched between any of the languages contained in the project.
When you switch a language using either the Documentation Languages toolbar or the
Project Documentation Language Configuration
dialog box, all project documentation is immediately refreshed to display the specified new language. All viewable and translatable project documentation is changed to the newly specified language. If localization exists for a portion of viewable project documentation, the localized documentation is displayed. If localization does not exist for a portion of viewable project documentation, the documentation appears blank, unless a default language is specified. Then, the default language is shown.
You can use the Project Documentation Languages feature while working online or offline.
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