Use the Search Item Browser
Use the
Search Item Browser
dialog box to narrow your search results by selecting the type of item for which you want to search.
- InItem, type the name of the item you are looking for.This causes the Logix Designer application to use the look-ahead feature to automatically fill in the Item box with the name of the closest match for the item you are searching for, based on what you have typed so far. This also causes that item name to be selected in the Item List below. You can use the selected item name or select another name from the Item List box.
- From theItem Typepull-down menu, choose the category of item for which you wish to search. Choose from:
- Edit Zones
- Language Elements
- Tags
- Depending on theItem Typeselected, the rest of theSearch Item Browserdialog box changes accordingly. Select the specific item for which you wish to search, based on the following guidelines:Item TypeOptionsEdit ZonesChoose the type of edit zone for which you want to search.Language Elements
- Choose the routine type of the language element for which you want to search.
- Choose the specific element for which you want to search from the list of available language elements.Note that choosing to search for a language element does not mean that the scope of your search is restricted to language elements only. All text is still searched. You can limit the scope of your search by selecting appropriate options on theFinddialog.
Tags- Choose the tag collection in which you wish to search; choose from either the controller, or from an individual program.
- Choose the specific tag for which you want to search from the list of available tags.
- ClickOKto close theSearch Item Browserdialog box and return to theFindorReplacedialog boxes, with the selected information placed in the appropriate fields.ClickCancelto discard the search criteria.
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