Create a periodic task
Create a task to run periodically. Schedule up to 32 tasks in the controller.
To create a periodic task:
- In theNamefield, enter a task name.
- In theDescriptionfield, enter a description for the task (optional).
- From theTypelist, choosePeriodic.
- In thePeriodfield, enter the rate at which the task executes.Reducing the rate value increases the frequency of the task’s execution, causing other tasks within the controller to execute more slowly.
- In thePriorityfield, enter the priority level for the task.TIP:Lower numbers indicate higher priorities for tasks. For example, a task assigned a priority of 1 is a higher priority task than one assigned a priority of 15.
- In theWatchdogfield, enter the value (in ms) for the watchdog timer.If a watchdog timer expires, a Major Controller Fault is generated.TIP:For the Safety task, the watchdog must always be less than or equal to the period.
- SelectDisable Automatic Output Processing to Reduce Task Overheadto prevent the external output modules from updating to the controller's data table values at the end of the task scan.
- SelectInhibit Taskto prevent the controller from executing this task.If selected, the task is still prescanned. If the task is then enabled when the controller is already in Run mode, the task is not prescanned again.
- SelectSynchronize Redundancy Data after Execution. By default, this option is turned on. When it is turned off for the parent task, the program setting is ignored.
- SelectOKto create the new task.The task appears in theController Organizerunder the Tasks folder. Tasks appear in alphabetical order.
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