The composition of ladder logic. Ladder logic is comprised of a set of rungs. A rung is made up of several components, which are:
- rung number
- left and right power rails
- rung wire
- rung state indicator
- rung comment (optional)
In addition, the area to the left of the power rail is called the rung selection region.
The last rung in a routine is called the End rung. This rung contains no instructions and its rung number is "End." By default, this rung is black, though you can change it. This rung is not actually part of your routine. It symbolizes the end of the routine. You cannot complete any editing functions if you are located on this rung.
During Run mode, the inputs on a rung are evaluated to be True or False. If a path of true logic exists, the outputs are made True; if all paths are false, the outputs are made False.
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