Safety Add-On Instruction class change

If these conditions are true, change the class of an Add-On Instruction in a safety project. The:
  • Instruction does not have an instruction signature.
  • Controller is offline.
  • Application does not have a safety task signature and is not safety-locked.
Changing the class of an Add-On Instruction results in the same class change being applied to the routines, parameters, and local tags of the Add-On Instruction. The change does not affect nested Add-On Instructions or existing instances of an Add-On Instruction.
If any parameters or tags become unverified due to the change of class, they are identified on the
Parameters and Local Tags
tabs of the
Add-On Instruction Definition Editor
If any of the restrictions for safety Add-On Instructions are violated when the class changes from standard to safety, one of these errors is displayed and the change does not succeed:
  • Routines must be of Ladder Diagram type.
  • Safety Add-On Instructions do not support the Postscan routine.
  • The Prescan routine is invalid for Safety.
  • The EnableInFalse routine is invalid for Safety.
  • One or more parameters or local tags have invalid data type for safety Add-On Instruction.
Edit the parameter, tag, or routine types to change the class. A confirmation dialog box lists any called instructions that require modifications due to the pending change and to confirm or reject the change.
If applying changes to the instruction, check all the locations where the instruction is used to confirm that it will execute properly after the change.
Delete any safety Add-On Instructions from the safety project or change its class to Standard before attempting to convert it to a standard project.
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