Crear un NetLogic que exporte datos de tabla a CSV
Exportar datos del proyecto a un archivo CSV.
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Generic Table Exporter
Requisitos previos
Establezca el editor de código externo predeterminado. Consulte Establecer el editor de código predeterminado.
- Para crear un NetLogic que exporte datos de tabla a CSV
- EnVista del proyecto, haga clic con el botón derecho en la carpetaNetLogicy seleccione .
- Pase el cursor por encima de NetLogic, seleccioney escribaExportTableData.
- Haga doble clic en NetLogic.Se abre el editor de código externo.
- En el editor de código, reemplace el código existente por el siguiente código:using System; using FTOptix.Core; using Store = FTOptix.Store; using HMIProject = FTOptix.HMIProject; using UAManagedCore; using System.IO; public class ExportTableData : FTOptix.NetLogic.BaseNetLogic { [FTOptix.NetLogic.ExportMethod] public void ExportCSV(UAManagedCore.NodeId tableNodeId) { // Getting the current project var project = HMIProject.Project.Current; // Getting the object table from its NodeId var tableObject = LogicObject.Context.GetObject(tableNodeId); if (tableObject == null) return; // Getting the Tables collection var tablesCollection = tableObject.Owner; if (tablesCollection == null) return; // Getting the Store var storeObject = tablesCollection.Owner as Store.Store; object[,] resultSet; string[] header; // Execute query on store of the current project storeObject.Query("SELECT * FROM \"" + tableObject.BrowseName + "\"", out header, out resultSet); // Check if the resultSet is a bidimensional array if (resultSet.Rank != 2) return; // Getting the number of rows and columns of the matrix var rowCount = resultSet != null ? resultSet.GetLength(0) : 0; var columnCount = header != null ? header.Length : 0; // Outpt file path string filePath = Path.Combine(project.ApplicationDirectory, "CSVExport-" + tableObject.BrowseName + "-" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv"); Log.Info(filePath); // Writing CSV to file try { using (StreamWriter csvFileStream = new StreamWriter(filePath)) { // Table header for (UInt32 i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { csvFileStream.Write(header[i]); if (i < columnCount - 1) csvFileStream.Write(";"); } csvFileStream.Write("\n"); // Table content for (UInt32 i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { for (UInt32 j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { if (resultSet[i, j] == null) csvFileStream.Write(""); csvFileStream.Write(resultSet[i, j]); if (j < columnCount - 1) csvFileStream.Write(";"); } csvFileStream.Write("\n"); } } } catch(Exception e) { // Write the error in the log UAManagedCore.Logging.LogManager.CoreLogger.Log( UAManagedCore.Logging.LogLevel.Error, "", 0, 0, "Unable to export table '" + tableObject.BrowseName + "' to CSV file '" + filePath + "': " + e.Message, ""); } } }
- Guarde el código.
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