Execution explorer

explorer displays all project content that will execute in a controller after the controller is deployed. Use the
explorer to design a physical model of your project and organize the contents of a project that has an assigned controller and tasks. To deploy the logical model to a controller, access the
explorer to create a FactoryTalk Smart Object. From either
explorers, create programs, and routines. You can create objects in the
explorer and then allocate an entireSmart Object that allocates all programs within it. You can also allocate an individual program within a Smart Object. Open
explorer to view controllers, controller tasks and program assignments, indicating the execution order and frequency of the code. A controller project imported from Studio 5000 Logix Designer into FactoryTalk Design Studio will have its elements displayed in
explorer only. 
explorer indicates the online status of a controller. When you go online with a controller, additional status indicators appear in the
explorer. These indicators appear next to the connected controller and its elements.
Online and Offline indicators
  • Green rails appear next to the controller that you are online with and next to any of the controller elements that are deployed. 
  • The offline only indicator appears if an element is allocated to the online controller that has not been deployed.
  • The online only indicator appears if an element is deployed to the online controller but is not present in the offline project.
  • If a green rail illuminates without online or offline only indicators, then the element exists in the offline project and online controller.
TIP: Online and offline only indicators appear based on how elements are named. When no icons appear, the contents of a routine may vary between the offline project and the online controller.
TIP: Some context menu commands are not available for elements that are online only. These commands are disabled in the context menu. 
TIP: When moving elements that exist online and offline, the old location displays the online-only icon and the new location displays the offline-only icon.
TIP: Renaming an element that exists online and offline, causes the element to appear twice in the tree. The old name appears next to the online-only icon. The new name appears next to an offline-only icon.
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