Runtime command lines
You can launch the
program by entering some comman lines in your command prompt.
Command line parameters are only supported on the following systems:
Linux Ubuntu 22 and Windows
Returned code legend:
- Standard output: Output information following a comman line entry.
- Exit status: The command entered in theFactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeClifile was run successfully and is printed in the Logs.
Parameters | Description |
--connect | Connect Runtime to the FactoryTalk Remote Access servers when Runtime is already running but disconnected. Runtime connects automatically by default, unless you have not entered the --disconnect command line. |
--disconnect | Disconnect Runtime from the FactoryTalk Remote Access servers. Connection to the remote assistance service is not possible. |
--showChat | Open the assistance chat window. |
--hideChat | Hide the assistance chat window. |
--showKeyboard | Open the system keyboard. |
--hideKeyboard | Close the system keyboard. |
--openWebUI | Open Windows Runtime through a web page. |
--remoteAccessServiceConnected | See the Runtime connection status. Standard output:
Exit status:
--remoteAccessSessionCount | See the quantity of remote supervisors that are connected to the Runtime from FactoryTalk Remote Access .Standard output:
Exit status:
--getanonymousID | View the ID and password required to register a Runtime device to a domain. Exit status:
--requestAssistance | Enable an assistance request. If The user must provide contact details when assistance is requested is enabled, you must provide three additional parameters that correspond to the fields <name> , <contact> , and <description> .Exit status:
--closeAssistance | Close an assistance request. Exit status:
--getRequestAssistanceStatus | See an assistance request status. Standard output:
Exit status:
--canRequestAssistance | Check if an assistance request can be opened. Standard output:
Exit status:
--exportConnectionLog | Export connection logs. Indicate the logs parameters --fromDate , --toDate and --outputDirectory .
If you select an invalid date range, the exported logs return zero results.
Exit status:
--setRuntimePassword followed by the <password> that you want to set up. | Configure a password to access Windows Runtime.
See Ubuntu 22 Runtime installation and configuration for further information on how to configure a password.
Exit status:
--unsetRuntimePassword | Remove a previously set password to access Windows Runtime Exit status:
--quit | Disconnect Runtime when it is running. |
--version | See the Runtime version. |
-h, --help | See the list of the currently available commands. |
identifies the Runtime installation path. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell Automation, Inc\FactoryTalk Remote Access\Runtime\
.Parameters | Description |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --connect | Connect Runtime to the FactoryTalk Remote Access servers when Runtime is already running but disconnected. Runtime connects automatically by default, unless you have not entered the --disconnect command line. |
"\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --disconnect | Disconnect Runtime from the FactoryTalk Remote Access servers. Connection to the remote assistance service is not possible. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --showChat | Open the assistance chat window. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --hideChat | Hide the assistance chat window and disconnect Runtime from the remote assistance service. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --showKeyboard | Open the system keyboard. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --hideKeyboard | Close the system keyboard. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --openWebUI | Open Windows Runtime through a web page. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --remoteAccessServiceConnected | See the Runtime connection status. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --remoteAccessSessionCount | See the quantity of remote supervisors that are connected to the Runtime from FactoryTalk Remote Access . |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --getanonymousID | View the ID and password required to register a Runtime device to a domain. The following example shows how to query the Runtime through the --getAnonymousID parameter by using .NET:
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --requestAssistance | Enable an assistance request. If The user must provide contact details when assistance is requested is enabled, you must provide three additional parameters that correspond to the fields Name , Contact information , and Description .Example: "<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --requestAssistance --name "John Doe" --contact "" --description "A brief description of the problem" |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --closeAssistance | Close an assistance request. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --getRequestAssistanceStatus | See an assistance request status. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --canRequestAssistance | Check if an assistance request can be opened. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --exportConnectionLog | Export connection logs. Indicate the logs parameters --fromDate , --toDate and --outputDirectory .Example: "<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --exportConnectionLog --fromDate "2020-06-06" --toDate "2020-06-07" --outputDirectory "/tmp" |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --setRuntimePassword | Configure a password to access Windows Runtime. For example: "<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --setRuntimePassword <password> |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --unsetRuntimePassword | Remove a previously set password to access Windows Runtime. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --quit | Disconnect Runtime when it is running. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --version | See the Runtime version. |
"<path>\FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" -h, \FactoryTalkRemoteAccessRuntimeCli" --help | See the list of the currently available commands. |
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