Use drag-and-drop functionality

Drag-and-drop functionality is commonly referred to as "dragging" because the item being dragged is automatically dropped when the mouse button is released. Most of the objects you work with in Logix Designer can be dragged to different location or between other objects.
Dragging encompasses the following sequence of actions:
  1. Move the cursor to the object
  2. Press, and hold down, the button on the mouse to select the object.
  3. Move the cursor to the desired location.
  4. Release the mouse button to drop the object in the new location.
Sometimes the quickest way to move or copy information is to drag it from one place to another with your mouse. You can move or copy:
  • Files and folders to another folder or disk drive.
  • Tool windows to a different location.
  • Programs and other items in the Controller Organizer and the Logical Organizer.
  • Instructions and other elements in the Ladder Editor.
Tool Windows
You can move Tool Windows by dragging the window's title bar. When you move a Tool Window, a dropping locator indicates where the window will appear when you release the mouse button.
You can only move docked, floating, and tabbed Tool Windows. You cannot use a drag-and-drop operation on an Auto Hide Tool Window.
Controller Organizer and Logical Organizer
You can use drag-and-drop operations to move or copy items in the Controller Organizer and the Logical Organizer. You can also move or copy programs, routines, and other items in and between the Controller Organizer, the Logical Organizer, and other Logix Designer projects. Finally, you can create a logical model in the Logical Organizer, and use that to schedule and unschedule programs in Controller Organizer.
The following items do not allow drag-and-drop in the Controller Organizer:
  • Controller Tags
  • Program Parameters and Local Tags
  • All plain folders (for example the Tasks or Motion Groups).
  • Predefined data types
  • Module-Defined data types
  • Add-On-Defined data types
  • The backplane under the I/O configuration
  • The Logical Organizer link
The following items do not allow drag-and-drop in the Logical Organizer:
  • All plain folders (the root and the "Logic and Tags" folders)
  • Parameters and Local Tags
    FactoryTalk Security
    is enabled, you need
    FactoryTalk Security
    permissions to create and delete items in the
    Controller Organizer
    and the
    Logical Organizer
    . See Use
    FactoryTalk Security
    with the
    Logix Designer
To scroll, expand, and collapse the organizer tree
You may want to drag-and-drop an item onto another item that is hidden, either because it is above or below the visible part of the tree in the organizer, or it is located in a collapsed branch of the tree.
To scroll up or down in the tree
Drag the selected item to the top or the bottom of the tree window.
To expand a collapsed branch
Drag the selected item so that the mouse pointer is over the "+" (plus icon) for the collapsed branch.
To collapse an expanded branch
Drag the selected item so that the mouse pointer is over the "- (minus) for the expanded branch.
To drag from one organizer to the other organizer
You may want to drag-and-drop an item between the
Logical Organizer
and the
Controller Organizer
. If the two organizers are "stacked," all that is visible for the second organizer is the tab at the bottom of the organizer window. To drag-and-drop an item to the other organizer, drag the selected item to the tab for the other organizer. After a second or two, the other organizer appears and you can continue to drag the item to the target item.
Instructions and Other Elements
You can drag rungs, branches, instructions, and addresses from file to file or from the database to a file.
To move an element using drag-and-drop:
  1. Position the mouse pointer over a file element or rung number.
  2. Click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the element to another location within the program file.
    In the Ladder Editor, red boxes, which turn green, typically indicate valid locations when that location is properly selected.
  3. Release the mouse button to complete the move operation.
    If you want to undo a cut and paste operation, you must click undo twice. This is because the Logix Designer application considers a cut a series of two operations (copy and delete). You have to let the application know that you want both the copy and the delete undone. If you click undo only one time when trying to undo a move, the move appears to be a copy, and you will see the cut and pasted element appear at both locations.
To copy an element:
  1. Position the mouse pointer over a file element or rung number.
  2. Press the CTRL key and click and hold the left mouse button then drag the element to another location within the program file.
    In the Ladder Editor, red boxes turn green indicating valid locations when that location is properly selected.
  3. Release the mouse button to complete the copy operation.
    In Step #1 of the preceding procedures, you can select multiple rungs by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the left mouse button on each rung you want to select. To select multiple instructions using this technique, they must all be within the same rung. You cannot select multiple instructions from different rungs.
    To select a range of rungs, select the beginning rung, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the ending rung.
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