Safety Application Protection

Use the Safety Lock feature to lock a Safety application to prevent further modification once you have verified that it is working as intended.
Certain software restrictions apply whenever a Safety application is in a Safety Secured state. This state occurs whenever one or more of the following conditions exist.
  • The Safety application is Locked.
  • A Safety signature exists.
  • A non-recoverable Safety fault is present.
  • The safety status is any value other than "Safety Task OK".
Whenever any of these conditions exist, the following software restrictions apply:
  • You cannot modify any Safety component, including the Safety task, Safety programs, Safety routines, Safety tags, Safety I/O modules, and tag mappings.
  • In cases where a relationship exists between a standard tag and a Safety tag, you cannot modify the standard tag.
  • You cannot edit the controller name, description, slot number, and chassis size.
  • If the controller has an embedded Ethernet port, you cannot modify the IP settings or IP address.
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