Ladder Editor
The Ladder Editor is contained within the routine window in the main
Logix Designer
application window. This editor provides a means to edit a ladder logic routine. This window has tabs for all open routines, a view for each routine, and a command line. When an empty routine first appears,the routine contains a blank rung and an End rung.When using program parameters in a routine,the option to access the program parameters of another program is available.
Ladder Editor
provides a caret as an aid when editing ladder logic. This caret represents the current working position in the routine window. Additionally, each pane of each routine view contains its own caret, enabling work in two separate sections of a routine at one time.The caret only appears when the view is active.When a routine first appears, the caret is located in the rung selection region of the first rung.
When the Ladder Editor window is minimized, edits can not be made in the Ladder Editor.
The Ladder Editor Progress dialog box appears when the Ladder Editor is taking a long time to add or remove rungs.
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