Program example

Program example

These are examples of programs in the code editor.
Program with parameters
Program programWithParam(
Input timer inputParameter { pre := 3; },
Output dint outputParameter) {
extern routine main();  // defined in another file
Unscheduled program declared in controller application 
ControllerApp ctrlApp() {
    // program instance not in task - unscheduled
    // program forward declare to program 
    // implementation declared in another file
    extern program unschedledProgram();
Scheduled program declared in controller application
ControllerApp ctrlApp() {
    // program instance in task – scheduled
    Task mainTask {
    // program forward declare to program 
    // implementation declared in another file
    extern program schedledProgram();
Scheduled program declared in a Smart Object
ControllerApp ctrlApp() {
    // program instance in task – scheduled
    Task mainTask {
program MainProgram() {
tag bool boolTag;
routine ld main() {
xic(boolTag); {
Desc := “some rung description”;
Program programWithParam(
Input timer inputParameter { pre := 3; },
Output dint outputParameter) {
Extern routine main(); // defined in another file
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