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FactoryTalk Design Studio Copilot
FactoryTalk Design Studio
Copilot is your generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) assistant, designed to streamline your workflow and deepen your understanding of FactoryTalk Design Studio
Your conversations with
FactoryTalk Design Studio
Copilot are not visible to any other members of your organization, and they are not used to train Azure OpenAI or Rockwell Automation AI models.Open
from the right-side bar.
FactoryTalk Design Studio
Use the
FactoryTalk Design Studio
Copilot to:
- Query the help content, release notes, and error code documentation to answer questions about product features, how to complete tasks, and how to troubleshoot errors and warnings. Here are some prompting examples that you can use:TIP: Use the keywords in bold to obtain more precise and consistent results.FactoryTalk Design Studio Copilot promptsQueryAskUnderstand whatFactoryTalk Design StudioCopilot can do.What can you do?Learn about the newest features.What new features are available?Learn how to use a new feature.How do Iallocatecode?Resolve an error.How do I resolveerror code[error-code]?Get a simple explanation for a feature.ExplainFactoryTalk Smart Objects to a junior engineer.Get a short explanation of a feature.ExplainFactoryTalk Smart Objects in 20 words or less.Request more information about the previous responses.Can youexplainthat in more detail?
- Use powerful project search capabilities and code generation tools to develop project insights and generate PLC code more efficiently. This feature is exclusive to Core entitlement users, and it must be enabled. To enableProject Access, see Enable FactoryTalk Design Studio Copilot - Project Access. Here are some prompting examples for building faster:Search capabilities and code generation toolsQueryAskRequest an overview of your project.Summarizemy project.Understand an Add-On Instruction (AOI).Explainthe [AOI-name]AOI.Find all references to an object in your project.Where am I using the [AOI-name]AOI.Create an AOI definition.CreateanAOInamed [AOI-name] that [function.Create an instance ofFactoryTalk Smart Objectdefinition.Createa newinstanceof the [smart-object-definition-name]smart objectnamed [smart-object-name].Create a nested standaloneFactoryTalk Smart Object.Createastandalonesmart objectunder[parent-name] named [smart-object-name].Create a program.Createaprogramnamed [program-name]under[smart-object-name].Create a routine.Createaroutinenamed [routine-name]under[smart-object-name].[program-name] that [function].Continue modifying the routine generated in the previous response.Updatethe code to [function].Update all tag names used in a routine.Changethe tag names in [smart-object-name].[program-name].[routine-name] to have a [prefix] prefix.Allocate a program to a controller.Allocate[smart-object-name].[program-name] to the [controller-name]controller.Schedule a program to a task.Schedule[smart-object-name].[program-name] to the defaulttask.Undo an action.Undothat last change.TIP: Try givingFactoryTalk Design StudioCopilot a series of commands at once.
- Submit feedback on FactoryTalk Design Studio Copilot responses. UseSend Feedback
at the top right of the response to like or dislike a response and optionally provide details.
- Clear the chat history. To clear chat history, selectClear Chat Historyon the top right ofFactoryTalk Design StudioCopilot, or selectClear Question and Responseat the top of each response pairing. The chat history is also cleared when you close the project. Core entitlement users have the benefit of their chat history being maintained between project sessions.
FactoryTalk Design Studio
Copilot has conversational context and uses the 5 most recent prompt-responses pairs in the chat. It uses this context to provide the best response when you ask a question.
FactoryTalk Design Studio
Copilot may display inaccurate information. Please refer to the FactoryTalk Design Studio Online help to verify its responses. Provide Feedback