Scroll, expand, and collapse the Organizer tree

You may want to drag-and-drop an item onto another item that is hidden, either because it is above or below the visible part of the tree in the Organizer, or it is located in a collapsed branch of the tree.
To scroll up or down in the tree
Drag the selected item to the top or the bottom of the tree window.
To expand a collapsed branch
Drag the selected item so that the mouse pointer is over the "+" (plus icon) for the collapsed branch.
To collapse an expanded branch
Drag the selected item so that the mouse pointer is over the "- (minus) for the expanded branch.
You can drag-and-drop an item between the Logical Organizer and the Controller Organizer. If the two Organizers are "stacked," all that is visible for the second organizer is the tab at the bottom of the Organizer window. To drag-and-drop an item to the other Organizer, drag the selected item to the tab for the other organizer. After a second or two, the other organizer appears and you can continue to drag the item to the target item.
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