Imagine machine safety that actually improves productivity and business performance. Companies that adopt a holistic approach to machine safety leveraging Smart Devices achieves significantly higher Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). These companies have less unscheduled downtime and less than half the injury rate of average performers. Whether you build machines or use it, smart safety is synonymous with improving productivity, protecting personnel and enabling the Connected Enterprise. Find out how.
Improve Productivity and Enhance Safety with our Smart Safety Products

The Principles of Machine SafetyWe offer guidance on the principles of machine safety, relevant standards, and methods of safety implementation. Our Machine Safebook incorporates more information on ISO 13849-1 and provides appplication examples with performance level calculations. Find out how you can have less unscheduled downtime and less than half the injury rate of average performers.
Tools to Reduce Development Time and Improve Compliance
Safety Integration with our tool kit provides you with consistent, reliable, and documented management of the Functional Safety Lifecycle.
Our comprehensive suite of safety configuration tools can
- Safety Automation Builder — FREE software tool to help simplify machine safety design and validation, and reduce time and costs.
- Pre-engineered Safety Functions — Built with you in mind, these safety functions minimize risk and speed development including set-up, configuration, and wiring
- SISTEMA library — Helps automate the calculation of the attained Performance Level from the safety-related parts of a machine control system
SISTEMA Performance Level Calculator
The SISTEMA tool automates calculation of the attained Performance Level from the safety-related parts of a machine control system. Data for our machine safety products is now available in the form of a library file to be used with the SISTEMA calculation tool. The combination of the two saves time and provides comprehensive support for safety evaluation to (EN) ISO 13849-1 for machine and system designers.
A Scalable Portfolio for Industrial Automation
Built on Modern Technologies
As you start to build a connected enterprise, you will need an automation and control system with all devices seamlessly integrated rather than a collection of individual products. We have evolved our products, software, and services to help you bridge the gap between machinery-level systems and enterprise systems to improve decision making.
We offer scalable, future-proof, solutions built on contemporary technologies to help you to build a real-time, secure infrastructure that will help you deliver the most impactful results.
Machine Safety Legislation and Standards
Safety legislation is paramount to help prevent workplace accidents, injuries, and diseases. This legislation details consequences of breaches of those standards. These regulations outline the responsibilities of employers, employees, and supervisors to help ensure the safety and well-being of employees in the workplace.
World-class Safety
Reduce Risk and Improve Productivity
Developments in global safety standards and technologies have made manufacturing safety a powerful tool to optimize production. The implementation of industrial safety standards and technologies can help to improve risk management and reduce injuries. They also provide major improvements in manufacturing productivity, efficiency, and the morale of your employees and customers.
Focused Smart Safety Products
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