Do you need help with your lockout/tagout (LOTO) program? You want to keep your employees safe, remain compliant and boost productivity. That can seem confusing and overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to make it easier. Our team of experienced engineers and specialists can help you create a simple, successful LOTO program customized to your needs.
Create a Compliant Lockout/Tagout Program
Protect Employees With Lockout/Tagout Policies and Procedures
What is lockout/tagout, and when is lockout/tagout required? Lockout/tagout refers to the proper shut-down, and locking or tagging, of equipment and machines to help protect employees from hazardous energy exposure during maintenance or repair.
LOTO programs include policies and procedures that help safeguard employees from unexpected energy release (electrical, mechanical and others) while starting or servicing machines and equipment. A good LOTO program revolves around employee safety and workplace productivity, while complying with all applicable legal requirements, including OSHA in the United States.
Our safety services experts can help you comply with all applicable legal requirements and build a successful LOTO program. We help you create easy-to-read graphical procedures that provide clear guidance for employees, so you stay safe, and in compliance.

What will the lockout/tagout program entail? The five major components include:
Engineered Lockout/Tagout Procedures
Protect Employees With Documented Procedures
Did you know: The OSHA lockout/tagout regulation is the number one, most cited regulation in the U.S. manufacturing industry?
Don’t become part of that statistic. Manufacturers are often surprised by the citations, not realizing they weren’t compliant. Being proactive about developing a lockout/tagout program that has fully developed and implemented procedures is the best way to avoid fines. Also, dangerous conditions on production floors can and do result in injury or death. Is your company adequately prepared to both keep employees safe and avoid unexpected fines?
Lockout/tagout procedures are a necessary component of any program. LOTO procedures provide documented steps or directions for lockout or tagout.
Annual Lockout/Tagout Auditing
Are You Ready for an Annual Inspection?
Annual auditing of lockout/tagout procedures is required in some markets by regulatory organizations like OSHA. For most manufacturers, it’s good practice to perform audits in order to keep your program updated.
But preparing for a LOTO audit doesn’t have to monopolize your time and resources. Enlisting our team to help with the annual LOTO auditing process can yield an excellent return on investment. Letting us drive the auditing process can benefit your operations by reducing downtime and the need to pull staff from the plant floor.
At a minimum, OSHA requires that each procedure in the facility be reviewed annually to confirm that it includes all the equipment’s energy sources. The agency also requires a sample audit of authorized employees to confirm that they fully understand their LOTO responsibilities.
Program auditing helps to ensure that safety deficiencies are identified and rectified. Rockwell Automation safety engineers have up-to-the-minute knowledge and decades of experience helping clients with OSHA compliance. With our services, we can help you prepare for the auditing process.
Lockout/Tagout Training Requirements
Compliance Is Required for Authorized and Affected Employees
Training is essential, and a required step in the lockout/tagout compliance process. For companies located in the United States, OSHA requires two types of training, depending on the level of employee responsibility/involvement. This also applies to local regulations across the globe.
No matter where you are in the world, our safety engineers can help you determine the training requirements needed for your staff.
Employees required to lockout or service equipment are considered “authorized” employees. They must receive comprehensive lockout/tagout training on core responsibilities and all relevant company policies.
Workers who operate equipment or work in close proximity are known as “affected” employees. They are not authorized to perform lockout/tagout but must receive training on the purpose and definition, along with any accompanying responsibilities.
Lockout/Tagout Policy Creation
A Well-Designed Policy Keeps Staff Informed
LOTO policies and procedures go hand-in-hand. A well-designed policy keeps staff informed, from authorized employees to management. It’s also a tool to confirm proper understanding of everyone’s responsibilities to maintain the integrity of the system.
An impactful lockout/tagout policy should be easy to understand and clearly articulate company-specific rules and enforcement protocol. Crafting a facility-wide lockout/tagout policy provides peace of mind, a comprehensive document for OSHA compliance, and an efficient company protocol. While there are several components that must be part of any lockout/tagout policy, Rockwell Automation safety engineers can help design, create and implement a customized policy for your organization. They can also review your current policies and suggest improvements.
Lockout/Tagout Device Recommendations
Device Choices Are Key to Lockout/Tagout Success
With thousands of locks and devices on the market today, how do you know which ones to choose for your facility’s equipment? Locks and devices seem simple to order, but it’s not that easy to obtain the right equipment. That’s where we can help.
Device recommendations are the final step in developing a lockout/tagout program. By purchasing the correct locks, tags and devices, you’ll benefit through improved efficiency of the lockout/tagout process. It also helps employees feel confident that when they apply lockout/tagout to the equipment, it remains securely locked out.
Our specialists stay informed about new product releases. Using their device insights as well as your customized lockout/tagout policies, they will provide best recommendations on the latest, most appropriate devices for your needs.
ScanESC Lockout/Tagout Software
Stay On the Cutting Edge of Lockout/Tagout
ScanESC™ lockout/tagout software gives you the power to digitize your entire lockout/tagout program. This helps to ensure that all information available to employees is up to date and readily available through an intuitive, user-friendly interface.
ScanESC provides you with the tools and resources to modernize your lockout/tagout program.
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