Enterprise Level Dashboard
In this dashboard, the user can view the configured hierarchy elements that are child elements of the Enterprise. Based on the configuration, the respective Product, Region, or Site details are displayed in the Overview tab as cards.
Change Date or Time Period
Perform the following steps to change the date or time period:
- Click the [
] icon.
Date Selection - Select theDayorWeekorMonthorYear, orCustomfrom the drop-down list and the calendar is displayed.NOTE: IfCustomis selected from the drop-down list, then the user needs to select theFromandTodates and provide the time manually.
- Select the time period.Click the [
] and [
] icons to move forward and backward period of the selected time period respectively.
The following tabs are displayed in this dashboard:
- Overview
- Sites
- Assets
The user can view the status of each element of the hierarchy available under
. Each element, for example, Americas has associated KPIs of Health Index, Reliability, Throughput, and Alert count. The associated KPIs are configured in the Dashboard Setup, and the same KPIs are consistent across the application.The KPI values are rolled up according to the hierarchy, with Alerts and KPI values originating in each asset and rolling up accordingly. The user can also view the top five underperforming assets. All of these are based on the selected time frame, selectable from the top-right corner of the dashboard.
Enterprise Overview

Click the [>], [>>] and [<], [<<] paginator icons in the summary to move forward and backward to view the data.
Card Functionality
- Hover the mouse over the [
] icon in the cards to view the corresponding Alert count in each category.
Alert Count - Click the [
] icon to add or remove the card from Favorites.
- Click the card to view the respective node page.
The user can view the individual KPI graph of the
Top 5 Underperforming Assets
and the graph is displayed for the past 3 months. Hover the mouse over the chart to view the selected KPI value with the corresponding date. The user can also select the required KPI from the KPI drop-down list and the corresponding graph is displayed in the Past 3 Months
column.Top 5 Underperforming Assets

Customize Top 5 Underperforming Assets Table
Hover the mouse over the required column and click the [
] icon to customize the table with the following configurations:

- Column Options:NOTE: The column options are applicable for Asset Name column only.
- Pin Column: Hover the mouse over Pin Column and select the options from the drop-down list to pin the selected column. The column is pinned on the Data Table.
- Autosize This Column: Select theAutosize This Columnoption to resize the selected column width in the table.
- Autosize All Column: Select theAutosize All Columnoption to resize the column width of all columns in the table.
- Resize Columns: Select theResize Columnsoption to resize the column width of all columns to default size in the table.Pin Column
- Filter Data: Select the required checkboxes or provide the data on the Search box to filter the data.Filter Data
- Grid Option: Select or clear the required columns or provide the data in the search box in the data table. Based on the selection, the customized data table is displayed.Grid OptionNOTE: The grid option is applicable for Asset Name column only.
- Sorting: Click on the column header to sort the data in ascending or descending order.Sorting Data
Click the [
] icon on the required

Asset Name
to view the Asset Hierarchy
details.View Asset Hierarchy details

On this tab, the user can view the associated sites that are under this point in the hierarchy. Each card represents an individual site, with the corresponding KPIs.
Site Cards

The user can view summaries of the asset classes associated with this point in the hierarchy. Each card represents an Asset Class with rolled-up statuses. By selecting an individual
Asset Class
, the user can filter the list of assets available in the Asset Details
section. Click on the Asset Name
to view the corresponding Asset page.Asset Cards

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