Example Options file for groups of host computers
This is an example of an Options file where:
- HOST_GROUP Operators OpComputer1
- HOST_GROUP Supervisors SupComputer1 — Creates a computer group called Supervisors that consists of the Windows computer names SupComputer1 through SupComputer5.
- RESERVE 3 RS500.exe HOST_GROUP Operators — Reserves three activations from the available activations forRSLogix 500for the Operators group. These activations are reserved exclusively for members of the Operators group and cannot be used by computers not in this group.
- RESERVE 2 RS500.exe HOST_GROUP Supervisors — Reserves two activations from the available activations forRSLogix 500for the Supervisors group. These activations are reserved exclusively for members of the Supervisors group and cannot be used by computers that are not members of the group.
HOST_GROUP Operators OpComputer1 OpComputer2 OpComputer3 \
OpComputer4 OpComputer5
HOST_GROUP Supervisors SupComputer1 SupComputer2 \
SupComputer3 SupComputer4 SupComputer5
RESERVE 3 RS500.exe HOST_GROUP Operators
RESERVE 2 RS500.exe HOST_GROUP Supervisors
In this example, the Operators group includes five computers that share three activations. The first three computers that use the software lock the activations available to the group. If there are other activations available that are not reserved on the server, the other members of the Operators computer group can use the activations.
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