Reserve activations for individual host computers

Reserve activations for specific computers by editing the Options file,
To reserve activations for individual host computers:
  1. Open the existing
    file or create one.
  2. Edit the Options file to include the following line. Replace:
    • [featurekey] with the name of the software application executable.
    • [count] with the number of activations to reserve.
    • [name] with the computer name on which to reserve activations:
      RESERVE [count] [featurekey] HOST [name]
      For example:
      RESERVE 2 RS5K_700.EXE HOST Floorsupervisorpc.*
      Holds two activations for the
      Logix Designer
      application for use by the computer named Floorsupervisorpc.
  3. Save the file with the name
    in the default folder.
  4. From the
    tab, refresh the activation server.
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