Configure DataView

  1. Go to the
    folder and open the
    file in a text editor, in administrator mode.
    DataView config Folder
  2. Change the following properties in the
    It is recommended that the user change the IP Address to be static.
    Server Hostname configuration:
    1. Configure Server Host:
    1. Configure the PostgreSQL database server:
      spring.datasource.ur1=jdbc:postgresql://<FQDN-hostname>:5432/FTA DataView
      (Format: jdbc:postgresql://<<Database Host Address>>: <<Database Port>>/<<Database name>>
    2. Configure the username, which User created in PostgreSQL:
      spring.spring.datasource.username=postgres (Database username)
    3. Configure the password, which User created while installing PostgreSQL:
      spring.datasource.password = <password string in clear text>
      (Database password will be encrypted once the data importer service is started or restarted)
    4. Configure Datasource Class name:
      (It is recommended to set the password encryption to true)
    1. Configure FTASecurity URL: keycloak.auth-server-url=https://$ftasecurityhostnarae$: 5043/auth
    2. Configure FTASecurity Realm: keycloak.realm=Security
    3. Configure FTASecurity SSL: keycloak.ssl-required=external>
    4. Configure FTASecurity resource: keycloak.resource=factorytalk-analytics-dataview
    5. Configure FTASecurity public client: keycloak.public-client=true
    6. Configure FTASecurity verify token: keycloak.verify-token-audience=true
    7. Configure resource mapping: keycloak.use-resource-role-mappings=true
    Distribute Environment configuration
    fta.dataview.isDistributedEnvironment= false
    (for Multi node configure change it to
    . By default, it is set to False for single node deployment)
    fta.dataview.eventbusport = 6702
    1. Configure Server Keystore:
      server.ssl.key-store= <>
    2. Configure Server Keystore Password:
      (If DEC is enabled the password will be encrypted)
    3. Configure Server Key Password:
      (If DEC is enabled the password will be encrypted)
    4. Configure Server TrustStore:<fta_truststore.jks>
    5. Configure Server TrustStore Password:$password$)
      (If DEC is enabled the password will be encrypted)
    FTActivationService Configurations:
    1. Configure FTActivation Service host:
      fta.hostname = <FQDN-hostname>
    2. Configure the FTActivation Service port:
      fta.port = 27100
    3. Configure the FtaMapStore path:
      fta.ftaMapStoreFilename = ${catalina.home}/FtaMapStore/ftamapstore.bin
      Application Properties File
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. After configuring the DataView Application properties, open a Command Prompt window with administrator privileges.
  5. Change the working directory to the
    DataView Folder
  6. Execute the following command:
    Install DataView Service
  7. Once the service is installed, the Command Prompt window displays “
    service ‘FactoryTalk AnalyticsDataView (FTAnalyticsDataView)’ was installed successfully.
    ” message.
    DataView Service Installed
    DataView Service Started
    Upon every start or restart of the FTAnalyticsDataView service, the application checks whether the passwords in the property file are encrypted or a plain text password and encrypts the plain-text password only.
    The configuration of DataView has now been completed.
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