
Pre-requisites: Java
If Java is not installed, then the installer will install Java along with Elasticsearch.
  1. On the Component Selection screen, select ElasticSearch and click [Next].
    Component Selection
  2. The ‘Elasticsearch Configuration’ screen displays. Provide the HTTP and TCP ports.
    If Java is not installed, then the installer will install Java along with Elasticsearch.
    Elasticsearch Configuration
  3. Click [Validate] to verify the provided details. The ‘
    Validation successful
    ’ message displays if the details are valid. Click [Next] to continue.
    Elasticsearch Configuration
  4. The 'Pre-Installation Summary' screen displays. Verify the following:
    • Product Name
    • Install Folder
    • Disk Space Information
    • Install Component(s):
      • Component Name
      • Component Version Numbers
      • Component Port Numbers
        Pre-Installation Summary
  5. Click [Install] to begin the installation. The installation progress screen displays.
  6. The 'Install Complete' screen displays. Click [Done] to close the installer.
Install Complete
To access the Elasticsearch installed on other machine in case of multi-node configuration, modify the configuration file. Refer to Appendix A, “Elasticsearch Remote Connection Configuration” section for steps to modify the configuration file.
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