FTA Security

PostgreSQL, company's Certificates
  1. Ensure that PostgreSQL is already installed on this machine or on a different machine and create a database and a user for both FTA Security and DataView.
  2. On the Component Selection screen, select FTA Security and click [Next].
    Component Selection
  3. The Installer verifies whether any of the software is already installed. If any, the installer displays the list of installed components. Select the checkbox and click [Next].
  4. The 'PostgreSQL Configuration' screen displays. Define the following fields:
    • Database Hostname: Provide the hostname (FQDN) of the machine where the PostgreSQL database is installed.
    • Security Database Name: The database name for Security.
      Manually create a clean database where the PostgreSQL database is installed.
    • Database Username: Provide the username to access PostgreSQL database.
    • Database Password: Provide the password to access PostgreSQL database.
    • Database Port: Default port number is 5432. It is recommended to use the default port number.
      PostgreSQL Configuration
  5. Click [Validate] to verify the provided details. The ‘
    Validation successful
    ’ message displays if the details are valid. Click [Next] to continue.
    Verify PostgreSQL Configuration
  6. The 'FTA Security Configuration' screen displays. Define the following fields:
    It is recommended to use HTTPS to encrypt the network traffic. Using HTTP will expose the user/password and sensitive information as clear text on the network.
    • Username: Provide the username
    • New Password: Provide the password
      Refer to PostgreSQL for the list of the supported special characters that can be used to create a password. Write down this password, it is required to access FTA Security later.
    • Confirm Password: Re-enter the password
    • Port: Default port number for HTTPS is 9043. The user can change the port number. It is recommended to use the default port number.
      FTA Security Configuration
  7. Click [Validate] to verify the provided details. The ‘
    Validation successful
    ’ message displays if the details are valid. Click [Next] to continue.
    Verify FTA Security Configuration
  8. The 'Certificate Configuration' screen displays. Define the following fields:
    • Truststore File: Provide the Truststore file, where the certificates are generated.
    • Keystore File: Provide the path for Keystore file, where the certificates are generated.
      Certificates are generated in the Getting Started section or utilize the company's certificates.
    • Truststore Password: Provide the Truststore password.
    • Key Password: Provide the password for Certificates Key.
    • Keystore Password: Provide the password for Certificates Keystore.
      Certificate Configuration
  9. Click [Validate] to verify the provided details. The ‘
    Validation successful
    ’ message displays if the details are valid. Click [Next] to continue.
    Verify Certificate Configuration
  10. The 'Pre-Installation Summary' screen displays. Verify the following:
    • Product Name
    • Install Folder
    • Disk Space Information
    • Install Component(s):
      • Component Name
      • Component Version Numbers
      • Component Port Numbers
        Pre-Installation Summary
  11. Click [Install] to begin the installation. The installation progress screen displays.
  12. The 'Install Complete' screen displays. Click [Done] to close the installer.
    Install Complete
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