Configure FTEGInfluxDB in FTA InfoPlatform Service

To enable the connector user has to add the following xml structure to the "FactoryTalk Analytics InfoPlatform Service" configuration file ("RA.InfoPlatform.WindowsService.exe.config").
<PlugIns> <add assembly="RA.InfoPlatform.InfluxDB2Provider" type="RA.InfoPlatform.InfluxDB2Provider.PlugIn"> <Parameters> <add name="ConfigFile" value="InfluxDB2-Plugin.config" /> </Parameters> </add> </PlugIns>
With three parameters user can specify the behavior of the connector:
Property Name
Defines the file that should be used to configure the InfluxDB server connections.
  • Define a Connection to FTEGInfluxDB Server
    All FTEGInfluxDB connections are defined in the InfluxDB2-Plugin.config configuration file (JSON format). For connect to FTEGInfluxDB datasource user should provide connection string into InfluxDB2-plugin.config. For Example:
    [ { "InstanceName": "InfluxDB2-Server-1", "ServerUrl": "http://<hostname>:8086", "Authorization": "7GIJDEWHZoLwfGpXEqYxxrg3O2TmxoXFVDsjfh_QA4OBpQgwiK6ZPM1vDPv2e-2E7cgkOEBdkERBOW bhLhMwVw==", "BucketName": “Demobucket”, "PasswordEncrypted": false } ]
Property Name
This will be unique instance name of Connection
Provide InfluxDB2 server URL with port based on the configuration.
It will hold Token code with all privilleges (must) to access Bucket.
This will hold specific bucket name to map into database and display in navigation. Mapped database name will be same as bucket name.
PasswordEncrypt ed
Default value will be false. Token code will be encrypt after service restart
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