Enable OPC UA Connector

Perform the following steps to enable the OPC UA connector in the FTA InfoPlatform Service.
Add the following xml structure to the "FactoryTalk Analytics InfoPlatform Service" configuration file ("RA.InfoPlatform.WindowsService.exe.config").
<add assembly="RA.InfoPlatform.OpcUaProvider"
<add name="ConfigFile" value="OPCUA-Plugin.config" />
<add name="FolderName" value="OPCUA" />
<add name="CertificateValidationOption" value="AcceptOnce" />
With three parameters user can specify the behavior of the connector:
Property Name
Defines the file that should be used to configure the OPC UA server connections. Refer “Define Connection to OPC UA Server” section.
The name of the root folder that contains all OPC UA connector instances.
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