Accessibility Support for FactoryTalk DataMosaix

This topic describes the accessibility feature in FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
People with visual impairments, or low vision can use FactoryTalk DataMosaix using any screen reader application or web browser extension with a text-to-speech output.  Using the screen reader extension or application, users can listen to and interact with the elements on the screen, such as UI labels, messages, and buttons. This makes the FactoryTalk DataMosaix more accessible for people with disabilities and provides a better user experience.
  • A screen reader extension compatible with your web browser is installed.
  • A screen reader application with a text-to-speech output is installed on your computer.
Using the accessibility feature
After installing the screen reader extension or application, make sure that you have enabled it and it is functional. You can refer to - Install a screen reader extension to find the detailed instructions on installing a screen reader extension to the Chrome web browser.
You can start the screen reading functionality by using any of the following methods:
  • Using the mouse pointer:
    • Click any UI label, message, or button on the application you want the system to read out to you.
  • Using the keyboard:
    • Press the Tab key to move to the next selectable item and hear the UI label read out.
    • Press the Enter key to perform the default action by the selected item or button.
    • Press the Spacebar key to open the drop-down list and use the Arrow keys to navigate within the list.
The keyboard-only and screen reader users can skip to the main content instead of traversing all the menu items. To perform this:
  1. After the FactoryTalk DataMosaix page opens or after the URL refresh, using the keyboard, press the
    The application displays
    Skip to main content
    at the top left corner.
  2. Press the Enter key or click
    Skip to main content
NOTE: Different web browsers have different ways to install and access screen readers. The information provided applies to most web browsers, screen reader applications, and extensions, but you might experience some differences.
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