- Getting started
- Using the software
- Graphic and layout objects
- Developing solutions
- Developing projects with C#
- Application examples
- UI tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- Object and variable references
Create users
Create a new user type with a custom property that controls if a clock label is shown or hidden in the UI.
- Create a user:
- InProject view, expandSecurity.
- Right-clickUsersand select .
- Hover-over the user, select, and enterEditUserPersistentSettings.
- InProperties, at the top, selectand selectAddVariable.
- Hover-over the variable, select, and enterEditShowClock.
- Next to the variable, selectInt32and selectBoolean.
- Create a user type:
- InType view, double-clickSecurityand then double-clickUsers.
- FromProject viewpane, dragUserPersistentSettingsintoType view.
- Create a folder for the new user type:
- Right-clickUsersand select .
- Hover-over the folder, select, and enterEditUsersPersistentSettings.
- Add users with persistent settings:
- InProject view, hover-overUserPersistentSettings, select, and enterEditBob.
- DragBobintoUsersPersistentSettings.
- InProperties, setPasswordtotest.
- Right-click theUsersPersistentSettingsfolder and select .
- InPropertiespane, setPasswordtotest.
- Hover-over the user, select, and enterEditJane.
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