Add a trend object
Configure the source of the data to display in the Trend object. Add a pen for each data point you want drawn on the trend chart.
- InProject view, add aTrendobject.For example, right-clickMainWindow (type)and select .
- InProperties, create a dynamic link betweenModeland a node or Database from which you want to obtain the data.For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- UnderPens, create a dynamic link betweenTrendPen1and the pen data source.Pen data sourcesData typeDynamic link targetReal time values of a specific variableA variable.Real time values sampled by a data loggerTheLast valueproperty of a Data logger.Historic values of variables stored in a databaseThe column of interest in a Database.
- (optional) Add a Y-axis by right-clicking aTrendPenand selectingYAxis.TIP: Adding more Y-Axes to a Trend Pen is useful if you want to visualize the same data in different scales. You can control the scale by settingMaximum valueandMinimum valueproperties.
- (optional) Associate theRefreshmethod of theTrendobject with an event.For example, associate theRefreshmethod with theMouseClick eventof aButtonobject.
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