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Add an OPC UA server
Configure an OPC UA server by adding the OPC UA server object to the project and by editing the properties of the server.
- InProject view, right-clickOPC-UAand select .
- InProperties, configure the OPC UA server.
- Endpoint URL. The communication protocol and network address of the endpoint on the OPC UA server.
- Maximum number of connections. Maximum number of OPC UA clients that can connect to the OPC UA server.
- Use node path in NodeIds. Publish nodes with IDs that display the node path in this formatns=. For example,<namespace>;s=Path.To.Nodens=7;s=NewHMIProject1.Model.AnalogVariable1.
- Sampling interval. Time interval between successive readings of the field variables by the OPC UA server.
- Max array length. The maximum number of elements in an array.
- Minimum message security mode:
- None. The messages may be unsigned and unencrypted.
- Signature. The messages must be signed or signed and encrypted.
- Signature and encryption. The messages must be signed and encrypted.
- Minimum security policy:
- None. The OPC UA server does not require any specific security policy.
- Basic256Sha256. The OPC UA server requires this security policy or a more secure policy.
- Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep. The OPC UA server requires this security policy or a more secure policy.
- Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss. The OPC UA server requires this security policy.
- Server certificate file. The publicDERcertificate file of the OPC UA server (X509v3).TIP:The server certificate file must be in theFTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certsfolder.If specified, the private key must also be specified. If not server specified, it is automatically generated at runtime in theFTOptixApplication/ApplicationFiles/PKI/Own/Certsfolder.
- Server private key file. The privatePEMkey file of the OPC UA server encoded with ASCII Base64.TIP:The server private key file must be in theFTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certsfolder.If specified, the certificate must also be specified. If not specified, it is automatically generated at runtime in theFTOptixApplication/ApplicationFiles/PKI/Own/Certsfolder.
- Product URI. A URI that globally identifies the software.
- Product name. The name of the software.
- Manufacturer name. The name of the software manufacturer.
- InProperties, next toNodes to publish, select.A configuration of nodes to be published appears underNodes to publish.IMPORTANT: Every Publishing nodes always publishes child nodes.
- InConfiguration:#
- Add a node. Next toNodes, selectand configure the node by editing its properties. Repeat if necessary.
- Add a user Next toUsers, selectand configure the user. Repeat if necessary.IMPORTANT: If you expose specific nodes instead of the entire project, you must specify at least one user. The user can be the default Anonymous user.
- To expose business logic nodes to OPC UA clients setPublishDynamicConfigurationNodestoTrue.Business logic nodes include dynamic links or linked variables, converters, and event handlers or methods associated to events.
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