Create an analog variable

Create an analog variable

Create an analog variable in
Project view
. Analog variables include units of measurement and ranges.
  1. In
    Project view
    , select the folder or object to contain the variable.
  2. In the
    Project view
    toolbar, select
    Add new
    and then select
    Analog variable
  3. (optional) To change the variable data type, in
    , next to the variable name, select the existing data type and then select another data type.
    If you do not see the required option, select
    Show all
    . Start typing to select the item to find.
    To define an array, select
    and then enter the array dimensions. Enter
    to create an unconstrained array.
  4. In
    , select
    and enter a value for the variable or create a dynamic link.
    If you edit an array variable value, the Array editor displays. For more information, see Array editor.
    For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
  5. (optional) To set the unit of measurement, next to the variable value, select the existing unit of measurement and then select another unit of measurement.
    TIP: The default unit of measurement for analog variable values is
    , which means no unit of measurement.
  6. Under
    , complete:
    • Low limit
      . The low limit of the variable value
    • High limit
      . The upper limit of the variable value.
    • Constrain
      . If
      , constrains the values for the variable to the low and high limits.
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