- Getting started
- Creating projects
- Graphic objects
- Predefined graphic objects
- Object and variable references
- Extending projects
- NetLogic
- Tutorials
- Dynamic links tutorial
- Graphic objects tutorial
- NetLogic tutorial
- OPC UA tutorial
Install NuGet packages in Visual Studio Code
Install NuGet packages by using the NuGet Gallery extension.
Set Visual Studio Code as the default external code editor. See Set the default code editor.
- To install NuGet packages in Visual Studio Code
- From the main toolbar, selectOpen .NET Solution.The default external code editor opens.TIP: Rockwell Automation recommends usingVisual Studio®2022 orVisual Studio Codeas the default code editor. Some development assistance features may not be available when using a different code editor.
- In Visual Studio Code, install the NuGet Gallery extension NuGet Gallery - Visual Studio Marketplace.
- In NuGet Gallery, install the necessary NuGet packages.
- Save theCSPROJfile.
- Compile the project.
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