- FactoryTalk Optix Studio setup
Optional tools for IntelliSense
FactoryTalk® Optix™
allows to expand the features, properties and events of some built-in objects through IntelliSense: a NetLogic tool consisting of a C# code-completion aid made available through an editor, such as Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.Install and Configure Visual Studio or Install and Configure Visual Studio Code on your device.
While you can edit an object file offline by using Notepad++, IntelliSense accessories work only on the Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code editors.
- If you are usingFactoryTalk® Optix™version 1.4.0 or later, install .NET SDKs on your device to enable the IntelliSense NetLogic installation and implementation.
- On the design device, installVisual Studio 2022 SDK, according to your device architecture.
- On the device where the application is deployed, install.NET Runtime (Windows), according to your device version.
NOTE: For instructions on how to install .NET SDK, refer to the online documentation. - To edit your object, inFactoryTalk® Optix™Studio select the
at the top of the screen.
A dialog window opens. - Select yourPreferred code editor: Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.
- In theProject viewpanel, browse toMainWindowand add aLabel.Label1is created.
- RenameLabel1toMyLabel.
- Add a Runtime or Design Time NetLogic by selectingor depending on when you would like to use the NetLogic: at runtime or design time.A NetLogic object (for example, a NetLogic namedRuntimeNetLogic1) is created in theProject viewpanel under your project.
- Double click theRuntimeNetLogic1NetLogic.The NetLogic opens in your code editor.
- In Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, underInsert code to be executed when the user-defined logic is started, enterLabel myLabel = Owner.Get<Label>("MyLabel");.
- PressEnterto add a new line and start typingmyLabel..IntelliSense prompts the methods, properties and events available formyLabel.by opening a dropdown menu.
- Select the method, property or event that you would like to add to yourLabelcustomization, along with the related syntax, datatype or arguments.
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