Fault Log Attributes

These are the fault log attributes associated with a Motion Control Axis.
CIP Axis Fault Log
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Required - All
Struct {
ULINT } [25 ] }
Struct {
Fault Log Struct {
Fault Type;
Fault Code;
Fault Sub Code;
Stop Action;
State Change;
Time Stamp } [ ]
Fault Type: Enum
0 = Faults Cleared
1 = Init Fault
2 = Init Fault - Mfg
3 = Axis Fault
4 = Axis Fault - Mfg
5 = Motion Fault
6 = Module Fault
7 = Group Fault
8 = Configuration Fault
9 = APR Fault
10 = APR Fault – Mfg
11 = Safety Fault
12 = Safety Fault - Mfg
13-127: Reserved
128-255: Vendor Specific
128 = Guard Fault
Fault Code: Enum
(Fault Type != 0)
0-255: Bit # of Fault
(Fault Type = 0)
0 = No Faults
1 = Module Reset
2 = Fault Reset
3 = Shutdown Reset
4 = Connection Reset
255 = Fault Log Reset
(Fault Type != 8)
Fault Sub Code: Enum
(Fault Type = 8)
Fault Sub Code: Attr ID
Stop Action Enum:
0 = No Action
1 = Planner Stop
2 = Ramped Stop
3 = Torque Limited Stop
4 = Immediate (Coast)
State Change Enum:
0 = No Action
1 = Hold
2 = Disable
3 = Shutdown
The CIP Axis Fault Log attribute is a structure that is used to implement a running log of faults, complete with fault type, fault codes, and timestamps. The elements of this structure is as follows:
The Fault Log Index points to the latest element in the Fault Log array. Each element in the Fault Log array is called a Fault Log Record.
The Fault Log Length element indicates the number of elements in the Fault Log array.
The Fault Type is an enumerated value indicating the type of fault condition or fault clearing event to which the Fault Code applies.
The Fault Code indicates the specific fault condition or fault clearing event that has occurred. For fault conditions (Fault Type != 0) the Fault Code generally represents the bit number of the fault as defined in the associated Axis Faults attribute. In the case of a Configuration Fault, the Fault Code represents the Attribute Error Code. For fault clearing events (Fault Type = 0) the Fault Code identifies the specific fault clearing event that occurred. Possible fault clearing events are a module reset, a fault reset request, a shutdown reset request, or a reset resulting from opening or closing a CIP Motion connection. A Fault Code of 255 (0xFF) indicates that a Fault Log Reset event occurred.
The Fault Sub Code is an enumeration used to provide additional detail into the source of the fault condition. The enumeration is specific to the associated Fault Code. For Configuration Faults, the Fault Sub Code corresponds to the Attribute Error ID that generated the error condition.
The Stop Action element is an enumerated value that indicates what form of stopping action the drive initiated in response to the fault condition.
The State Change element specifies what the final targeted state was for the fault action.
The Fault Time Stamp represents the time at which the corresponding fault was detected. The units of the time stamp are based on System Time in microsecond units.
The CIP Axis Alarm Log attribute is a structure used to implement a running log of alarms, complete with alarm type, alarm codes, and timestamps. The elements of this structure is as follows:
The Alarm Log Index points to the latest element in the Alarm Log array. Each element in the Alarm Log array is called an Alarm Log Record.
The Alarm Log Length element indicates the number of elements in the Alarm Log array.
The Alarm Type is an enumerated value indicating the type of alarm to which the Alarm Code applies.
The Alarm Code is indicates the specific alarm that has occurred. Alarm Codes are based on the corresponding bit number of the alarm as defined in the associated alarm attribute.
The Alarm Code indicates the specific alarm condition or alarm clearing event that has occurred. For alarm conditions (Alarm Type != 0) the Alarm Code generally represents the bit number of the alarm as defined in the associated Axis Alarm attribute. For alarm clearing events (Alarm Type = 0) the Alarm Code identifies the specific alarm clearing event that occurred. Since alarms are not persistent, the only alarm clearing event is an Alarm Log Reset, which like the Fault Log Reset is given a Code of 255 (0xFF).
The Alarm Sub Code is an enumeration used to provide additional detail into the source of the alarm condition. The enumeration is specific to the associated Alarm Code.
The Alarm State element is an enumeration that indicates what the current state of the associated alarm condition is. Alarm log entries are created when an alarm condition sets (Alarm State = 1) AND when it clears (Alarm State = 0).
The Alarm Time Stamp represents the time at which the corresponding alarm condition was detected. The units of the time stamp are based on System Time in use units.
CIP Axis Alarm Log
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Optional - All
Struct {
LINT } [25 ] }
Struct {
Alarm Log Struct {
Alarm Type;
Alarm Code;
Alarm Sub Code;
Alarm State;
Time Stamp } [ ]
Alarm Type: Enum
0 = Alarms Cleared
1 = Start Inhibit
2 = Start Inhibit - Mfg
3 = Axis Alarm
4 = Axis Alarm - Mfg
5 = Motion Alarm
6 = Module Alarm
7 = Group Alarm
8 = Remote Get Alarm
9 = Axis Safety Alarm
10 = Axis Safety Alarm - Mfg
Alarm Code: Enum
(Alarm Type != 0)
0-255: Bit # of Alarm
(Alarm Type = 0)
255 = Alarm Log Reset
Alarm Sub Code: Enum
Alarm State: Enum
0 = Alarm Bit Off - 0
1 = Alarm Bit On - 1
The CIP Axis Alarm Log attribute is used to implement a running log of alarms, complete with alarm type, alarm codes, and timestamps. The elements of this structure is as follows:
The Alarm Log Index points to the latest element in the Alarm Log array. Each element in the Alarm Log array is called an Alarm Log Record.
The Alarm Log Length element indicates the number of elements in the Alarm Log array.
The Alarm Type is an enumerated value indicating the type of alarm to which the Alarm Code applies.
The Alarm Code is indicates the specific alarm that has occurred. Alarm Codes are based on the corresponding bit number of the alarm as defined in the associated alarm attribute.
The Alarm Code indicates the specific alarm condition or alarm clearing event that has occurred. For alarm conditions (Alarm Type != 0) the Alarm Code generally represents the bit number of the alarm as defined in the associated Axis Alarm attribute. For alarm clearing events (Alarm Type = 0) the Alarm Code identifies the specific alarm clearing event that occurred. Since alarms are not persistent, the only alarm clearing event is an Alarm Log Reset, which like the Fault Log Reset is given a Code of 255 (0xFF).
The Alarm Sub Code is an enumeration used to provide additional detail into the source of the alarm condition. The enumeration is specific to the associated Alarm Code.
The Alarm State element is an enumeration that indicates what the current state of the associated alarm condition is. Alarm log entries are created when an alarm condition sets (Alarm State = 1) AND when it clears (Alarm State = 0).
The Alarm Time Stamp represents the time at which the corresponding alarm condition was detected. The units of the time stamp are based on System Time in use units.
CIP Axis Fault Log Reset
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Required - All
Writing to the Fault Log Reset attribute clears the entire Fault Log and resets the Fault Log Index to the 0th element, records the Fault Log Reset event and increments the Fault Log Index to 1.
CIP Axis Alarm Log Reset
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Required - All
Writing to the Alarm Log Reset attribute clears the entire Alarm Log and resets the Alarm Log Index to the 0th element, records the Alarm Log Reset event and increments the Alarm Log Index to 1.
CIP Axis Fault Log Count
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Required - All
This number is a running count of records added to the fault log. This number is initialized to 0 at power-up, or by a controller reset, and is incremented with every record added to the CIP Axis Fault Log. This attribute may be used by software to determine if there are new fault log records to upload.
CIP Axis Alarm Log Count
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Required - All
This number is a running count of records added to the alarm log. This number is initialized to 0 at power-up or by a controller reset, and is incremented with every record added to the CIP Axis Alarm Log. This attribute may be used by software to determine if there are new alarm log records to upload.
CIP Axis Alarm Source
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Optional - All
USINT [128]
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes
The CIP Axis Alarm Source attribute is a 128-element array of 8-bit unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source conditions for each possible CIP Axis Alarm. Multiple source conditions can be active at any given time. These source conditions are identified by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used by the controller to determine when to set, and when to clear, the associated CIP Axis Alarms bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Axis Alarms bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state of the associated CIP Axis Alarms bit is determined by the Active Alarm Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0, the CIP Axis Alarms bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the associated CIP Axis Alarms bit shall be cleared.
Axis Alarm sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple alarm sources for a given alarm could, for example, come from different feedback channels, or from different power structure instances.
CIP Axis Alarm Source - RA
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Optional - All
USINT [128]
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes
The CIP Axis Alarm Source RA attribute is a 128-element array of 8-bit unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source conditions for each possible RA specific CIP Axis Alarm. Multiple source conditions can be active at any given time. These source conditions are identified by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used by the controller to determine when to set, and when to clear, the associated CIP Axis Alarms RA bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Axis Alarms RA bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state of the associated CIP Axis Alarms RA bit is determined by the Active Alarm Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0, the CIP Axis Alarms RA bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the associated CIP Axis Alarms RA bit shall be cleared.
Axis Alarm sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple alarm sources for a given alarm could, for example, come from different feedback channels, or from different power structure instances.
CIP Start Inhibit Source
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Optional - All
USINT [16]
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes
The CIP Start Inhibit Source attribute is a 16-element array of 8-bit unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source conditions for each possible CIP Start Inhibit. Multiple source conditions can be active at any given time. These source conditions are identified by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used by the controller to determine when to set, and when to clear, the associated CIP Start Inhibits bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Start Inhibits bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state of the associated CIP Start Inhibits bit is determined by the Active Alarm Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0, the CIP Start Inhibits bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the associated CIP Start Inhibits bit shall be cleared.
Start Inhibit sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple start inhibit sources for a given start inhibit could, for example, come from different feedback channels, or from different power structure instances.
CIP Start Inhibit Source - RA
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Optional - All
USINT [16]
# of Active Alarm Sub Codes
The CIP Start Inhibit Source attribute is a 16-element array of 8-bit unsigned integers representing the number of active Sub Code source conditions for each possible RA specific CIP Start Inhibit. Multiple source conditions can be active at any given time. These source conditions are identified by their Alarm Sub Code. This attribute is used by the controller to determine when to set, and when to clear, the associated CIP Start Inhibits RA bit.
The array index into this attribute corresponds to the CIP Start Inhibits RA bit number (the Axis Alarm Code). The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is incremented whenever new active alarm source condition is posted to the Alarm Log for a given alarm. The number of Active Alarm Sub Codes is decremented whenever an active alarm source condition is cleared in the Alarm Log for a given alarm.
After processing the Alarm Sub Code and incrementing or decrementing the associated Active Alarm Sub Code counter, the state of the associated CIP Start Inhibits RA bit is determined by the Active Alarm Sub Code counter value. If the counter value is greater than 0, the CIP Start Inhibits RA bit shall be set. If the counter value is 0, the associated CIP Start Inhibits RA bit shall be cleared.
Start Inhibit sources are identified by their associated Axis Alarm Sub Code from the CIP Motion device. Multiple start inhibit sources for a given start inhibit could, for example, come from different feedback channels, or from different power structure instances.
See also
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