Module/Node Fault Alarm Attributes

These are the module/node fault and alarm related attributes associated with a Motion Control Axis.
Module Fault Bits
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Required - All
0 = Control Sync Fault
1 = Module Sync Fault
2 = Timer Event Fault
3 = Module Hard Fault
4 = Reserved
5 = Reserved
6 = Reserved
7 = Conn. Format Fault
8 = Local Mode Fault
9 = CPU Fault
10 = Clock Jitter Fault
11 = Cyclic Read Fault
12 = Cyclic Write Fault
13 = Clock Skew Fault
14 = Control Conn. Fault
15 = Reserved
16 = Module Clock Sync Fault
17 = Logic Fault
18 = Duplicate Address
19...31 = Reserved
This bit field is a roll-up of module scoped fault conditions that can include synchronization faults detected on either side of the CIP Motion connection. All defined Node Fault Codes are mapped into bits in this attribute. The controller generally applies a shutdown fault action when a Module Fault occurs and recovery generally requires module reconnection or reconfiguration.
The following table defines a list of conditions associated with the Module Fault Bits attributes. While the Module Fault Bits attribute is marked as Required in the CIP Motion device implementation, support for each of the individual fault conditions therein is left Optional. In this table the terms motion module and motion device are used synonymously.
Module Fault Name
Device Node Fault Name
Control Sync Fault
The Control Sync Fault bit attribute is set when the Logix controller detects that several consecutive connection updates from the motion module have been missed. This condition results in the automatic shutdown of the associated motion module. The Logix controller is designed to "ride-through" a maximum of four missed position updates without issuing a fault or adversely impacting motion in progress. Missing more than four position updates in a row constitutes a problematic condition that warrants shutdown of the motion module. This bit is cleared when the connection is reestablished.
Module Sync Fault
Control Connection Update Fault
The Module Sync Fault bit attribute is set when the motion module detects that several consecutive connection updates in a row from the Logix processor module have been missed or that an update has been excessively late as determined by the Controller Update Delay High Limit attribute value. This condition results in the automatic shutdown of the motion module. The motion module is designed to "ride-through" a maximum of missed or late updates without issuing a fault or adversely impacting motion in progress. Missed or late update that exceed the Controller Update Delay High Limit result in the Module Sync Fault condition. This bit is cleared when the connection is reestablished.
Timer Event Fault
The Timer Event Fault bit attribute is set when the associated motion module has detected a problem with the module's timer event functionality used to synchronize the motion module's control loops. The Timer Event Fault bit can only be cleared by reconfiguration or power cycle of the motion module.
Module Hard Fault
Hardware Fault
If the Module Hardware Fault bit attribute is set it indicates that the associated motion module has detected a hardware problem that, in general, is going to require replacement of the module to correct.
4 - 6
Conn Format Fault
Data Format Error
This fault bit indicates that an error has occurred in the data format between the controller and the device. Format errors that generate this fault may include: an unsupported connection format, a connection format revision mismatch, an error in the data transmission size, incorrect number of axis instances.
Local Mode Fault
The Local Mode Fault is set when the controller is locked in Local Mode operation.
CPU Fault
Processor Fault
The Processor Fault bit indicates that the processor associated with the device node has experienced a fault condition or an excessive overload condition that has tripped the associated processor watchdog mechanism.
Clock Jitter Fault
The Clock Jitter Fault bit is set when there is excessive clock jitter between the controller and the motion device.
Cyclic Read Fault
The Cyclic Read Fault is set when the controller detects a runtime error associated with the Cyclic Read mechanism.
Cyclic Write Fault
The Cyclic Write Fault is set when the controller detects a runtime error associated with the Cyclic Write mechanism.
Clock Skew Fault
Clock Skew Fault
Clock Skew Fault bit indicates that the motion device has detected significant difference between the device's System Time and the controller's System Time that prevented the device from switching to synchronous operation after a time out period.
Control Conn Fault
Control Connection Loss Fault
The Control Connection Loss fault bit indicates that the CIP Motion C-to-D connection from the controller has timed out.
Clock Sync Fault
Clock Sync Fault
The Clock Sync Fault bit indicates that the motion device's local clock has lost synchronization with the master clock for an extended period of time (40 to 60 seconds) during synchronous operation. This fault condition is an indication that the local IEEE 1588 clock has lost synchronization with the master and was not able to resynchronize within the allotted timeout (such as 40 to 60 seconds).
Logic Fault
Logic Fault
The Logic Fault bit indicates that an auxiliary logic component (e.g. FPGA, or ASIC) associated with the device node has experienced fault condition or an excessive overload condition that has tripped the associated logic watchdog mechanism.
Duplicate Address Fault
Duplicate Address Fault
The Duplicate Address Fault bit indicates that a motion device node has been detected on the network that uses the same Node Address as this device node. For Ethernet, this address would be the IP Address of the device.
System Connection Fault
System Connection Fault
The System Connection Fault code indicates that the device has detected that the connection to a networked device that this device depends on has faulted or has been closed.
Module Alarm Bits
Data Type
Semantics of Values
Required - All
0 = Control Sync Alarm
1 = Module Sync Alarm
2 = Timer Event Alarm
3 = CPU Overload Alarm
4 = Clock Jitter Alarm
5 = Out of Range Alarm
6 = Clock Skew Alarm
7 = Clock Sync Alarm
8 = Node Address Alarm
9...31 = Reserved
This bit field is a roll-up of module scoped alarm conditions that can include synchronization alarms detected on either side of the CIP Motion connection. All defined Node Alarm Codes are mapped into bits in this attribute.
The following table defines a list of conditions associated with the Module Alarm Bits attributes. While the Module Alarm Bits attribute is marked as Required in the CIP Motion device implementation, support for each of the individual fault conditions therein is left Optional. In this table the terms motion module and motion device are used synonymously.
Alarm Name
Device Node Alarm Name
Control Sync Alarm
The Control Sync Alarm bit attribute is set when the Logix controller detects that several consecutive connection updates from the motion module have been missed.
Module Sync Alarm
Control Connection Update Alarm
The Module Sync Alarm bit attribute is set when the motion module detects that several consecutive connection updates in a row from the Logix processor module have been missed or that an update has been excessively late as determined by the Controller Update Delay Low Limit attribute value. This bit is cleared after 10 seconds without another alarm condition.
Timer Event Alarm
The Timer Event Alarm bit attribute is set when the associated motion module has detected a problem with the module's timer event functionality used to synchronize the motion module's control loops. The Timer Event Alarm bit can only be cleared by reconfiguration or power cycle of the motion module.
Processor Overload Alarm
Processor Overload Alarm
The Processor Overload Alarm bit indicates that the host processor associated with motion device is experiencing overload conditions that could eventually lead to a fault.
Clock Jitter Alarm
Clock Jitter Alarm
Clock Jitter Alarm bit indicates that the Sync Variance has exceeded the Sync Threshold while the motion device is running in Sync Mode.
Out of Range Alarm
The Out of Range Alarm indicates that the controller has detected that a Cyclic Write attribute value or a Command Data Set value has exceeded its allowed range.
Clock Skew Alarm
Clock Skew Alarm
Clock Skew Alarm bit indicates that the motion device has detected significant difference between the device's System Time and the controller's System Time that is preventing the device from switching to synchronous operation.
Clock Sync Alarm
Clock Sync Alarm
The Clock Sync Alarm bit indicates that the motion device's local clock has lost synchronization with the master clock for a short period of time (such as 10 to 20 seconds) during synchronous operation. This alarm condition can also occur when a change in the master clock source has been detected. The Clock Sync Alarm is an indication that the local IEEE-1588 clock has shifted back to its start-up mode to quickly synchronize into the master clock.
Node Address Alarm
Node Address Alarm
The Node Address Alarm bit indicates that the Node Address setting of the device has been changed during motion device operation and may no longer be valid.
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