As a manufacturer, you are facing a perfect storm of challenges – a dwindling workforce, knowledge gaps and a skills shortage. Plex Connected Worker addresses these challenges by providing advanced digital tools to retain, attract and reskill workers. Explore how Plex Connected Worker can help you empower your employees with real-time guidance, visual aids and multimedia content, enhancing comprehension and reducing errors on the job.
See how to work smarter with Plex Connected Worker
Standardize on-boarding
Digital Work Instructions that feature step-by-step task guidance.
Make data-driven decisions
Manage activities, access real-time insights and take action on other key measurables.
Communicate seamlessly
Witness the benefits of a connected shop floor, as employees utilize a Microsoft Teams Chat integration.

Tackle your workforce challenges head-on
Plex Connected Worker was developed to ensure that manufacturers like you are equipped to handle the challenges of today’s dynamic industry and factory environments in key areas like:
- Recruiting and retaining a connected workforce: Plex Connected Worker provides digital tools and real-time information to enhance worker productivity and engagement.
- Addressing the talent gap: Through these offerings, Plex can help you empower your workers with advanced training and tools to stay competitive in the evolving workforce landscape.
- Knowledge retention and transfer: As a large amount of the current workforce in manufacturing retires, safeguarding industry expertise is critical to ensure smooth knowledge transition to the next generation. Plex Connected Worker creates and captures the corpus of manufacturing knowledge in an organic way.
“Connected Frontline Workforce (CFW) applications are a strategic imperative to address critical challenges in safety, quality, and productivity. Manufacturing leaders are deploying CFW applications to bridge skills gaps, improve employee retention, and enhance the overall employee experience through better user interfaces, interactive training, and real-time insights.”
- Allison Kuhn, Future of Industrial Work, EHS, and Sustainability Research Analyst at LNS Research
Plex Connected Worker
Connecting people to purpose, to people, to productivity and to process
Provide step-by-step guidance for people, machines, and devices, while automating low-value tasks.
Digital Work Instructions and Interactive Work Instructions within Plex Connected Worker offer step-by-step instructions to guide employees through their current task. This facilitates knowledge-sharing, ensures quality and increases safety. By automating repetitive tasks, workers can engage more meaningfully with their work and remain productive.
Organize, track and optimize tasks for people, machines and devices.
Activity Management tools help you organize, track and optimize tasks for your employees. This improves overall employee performance by creating a happier workforce, seamlessly transferring knowledge, making processes easier and increasing quality and safety.
Encourage an engaged and informed workplace culture with “smart" communication.
An embedded chat feature in Plex Connected Worker has been proven to increase productivity by 25%. Employees can collaborate with one another at the stroke of a key, solve problems faster with efficient communication and keep the entire plant floor updated in real-time.
Inspire passion and dedication from end-to-end.
Instill a greater sense of purpose and encourage retention by allowing employees to follow workflow progression beyond their individual tasks. With Plex Connected Worker, individuals can gain a better understanding of how they contribute to a company’s key performance metrics and ensure their expertise stays on the production floor.
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