Run Diagnose Cable test

Run Diagnose Cable test

Use the
Cable Diagnostic
dialog box to run a diagnostic test on the cables for a selected port.
  • The device is online.
  • For a valid cable test for gigabit ports, configure the gigabit port as a RJ45 media type in the Device Manager Web interface or using CLI.
  • You must have the correct privilege to run the test.
To run the Diagnose Cable test on a port
  1. On the tab for the device, select
    Port Status
  2. In the
    Port Status
    view, in the
    Cable Diagnostics
    column for the port, select FTDStudioPortDiag.
  3. In
    Cable Diagnostics
    , select
    Diagnose Cable
    The test can interrupt connections to the device and any device connected through the device. The test can also interrupt the connection between the workstation and the controller.
  4. In
    Connection Interruption
    , select
    to continue with the test. You may need to enter a valid password.
    To cancel the test, select
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