Install New Release of FT Activation

  1. Follow the steps in the Install FT Activation Manager section to install new release of FT Activation Manager.
  2. Follow the steps in the Install FT Activation Websocket Service section to install new release of FT Activation WebSocket service.
  3. Go to FTActivationWebSocket folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Activation Websocket Service
  4. Go to <BackupFolder> directory and copy the WebsocketService.dll.config file and go to FTActivationWebSocket folder and replace the existing WebsocketService.dll.config file with the copied folder.
    Open the WebsocketService.dll.config file and update the following information:
    • Certification.file
      : Provide the <FQDN-hostname>.p12 file directory path.
      Go to the <BackupFolder> and copy the file path from the WebsocketService.dll.config file.
      Ensure to copy the <FQDN-hostname>.p12 file to the provided path.
    • Certification.password
      : Provide the keystore password.
    • Certification.passwordEncryption
      : The default value is false. Upon stop and start of the service, the private key will be encrypted.
    • Port
      : Port number where Websocket Service is running.
  5. Open the Windows Service management console. Stop the FactoryTalk Activation WebSocket service.
    FactoryTalk Activation Websocket Service
  6. Start the FactoryTalk Activation WebSocket service.
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