
  1. Go to the machine where DataView is installed and add FT Activation Service hostname (FQDN) and IP address in the
    file located at
  2. Execute the following command to generate the certificates with FT Activation Service hostname (FQDN):
    create-certificate.cmd <FTA_Activation_Service_hostname (FQDN)> <ca-secret-password> <keypassword> <trustpassword>
    The following table contains a list of the supported special characters that can be used to create a password for the certificates:
    Supported Special Characters
    Combinations of 3 supported special characters in a consecutive pattern may cause unexpected results. For example: ${}
    The following table contains a list of the unsupported special characters that cannot be used to create a password for the certificates:
    Unsupported Special Characters
  3. Copy the
    <FTA_Activation_Service_hostname (FQDN)>.p12
    file generated in DataView machine to the FTA Activation Service machine and configure FT Activation Websocket Service. Refer to “FTA Activation Service”.
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