Create New DataView Users
To create DataView users open another browser window and connect to the Security Admin Console for the Security realm using the admin/Security/console/#/realms/Security page on the Security server. If you installed Security on localhost the link will look like:
The link will take you to the login page.
Login as the security-admin user. This will take you to the same Security Admin Console.
Use the navigation bar on the left to go to Manage/Users and click [Add User].
DataView requires users to have an email address. Additionally DataView does not allow special characters (e.g. '-') in either the first name or last name fields. For the following examples, you should use a username without special characters and you should provide an email address while creating the user.
Create an Admin User for DataView.
After clicking [Save], you will be at the user management screen.
Go to the Credentials tab to set the initial password for the user. The default password policy requires that passwords have a minimum length of 10 characters and must have at least one uppercase letter, one special character and one lowercase letter.
After the password has been set go to the Groups tab.
Select the DataView-Admin group for the user and click [Join].
Users should belong to a single Group. Some of the FactoryTalk Analytics applications do not support Users with both Admin and User Roles.
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