- Studio 5000 Logix Designer
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- Module Information
- 1756 ControlLogix I/O Modules
- Instruction Set
Module Data Types - 1794-IJ2, 1794-IJ2I, 1797-IJ2
The table below lists and describes module-defined data types for the 1794-IJ2, 1794-IJ2I, and the 1797-IJ2 modules. It includes information for input (as indicated by an I) and configuration (as indicated by a C) in the module Tag Type name shown on the Controller Tags window in the
Logix Designer
application. Note that FLEX I/O and Ex is based on 16-bit INTs and not-32-bit DINTs. This may decrease performance with certain instructions.
Module-defined Data Type: AB:1794_IJ2:I:0 (both 1794 and 1797-IJ2 modules use this data type)
Member Name | Type | Default Display Style | Description |
Fault | DINT | Binary | Used for Input Data Validation - 0 means the data is valid. If the connection to the module has been lost, or if the module has a severe hardware fault, 1s are represented in this input data type. |
Ch0Frequency | INT | Decimal | Calculated value of Frequency for Channel 0. Frequency can be reported down to 1 or 1.0 Hz, depending on the Frequency Range setting. Below a 1 Hz value, 0 is reported. Below a 1.0 Hz value, 0.0 is reported. Calculated frequency depends on Minimum Sampling Time and Missing Pulse Multiplier. If input pulses are not present within the time periods allotted by these parameters, zero frequency (0 or 0.0) is reported, depending additionally on the setting of the Wire Off Fault Detection Mode. When the Frequency exceeds the module’s Max Input Frequency, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported, or- the Frequency value 3,276.7 is reported, depending on the Frequency Range data type. When the Scaled Frequency exceeds 32,767 or 3,276.7, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported. If a Wire Off Alarm is detected and enabled, the Frequency reported may be an Unchanged, Maximum (32,767 or 3,276.7 default or the Maximum Frequency value), or Minimum value (1 or 1.0), depending on the selection of the Wire Off Fault Alarm and the Frequency Range data type. Range: 0...32,767 or 0.0...3,276.7 depending on state of Frequency Range data type, or Freq Range = 0 when the Frequency in Hz. is 0 - 32,767 and Freq Range = 1 when the Frequency in Hz. is (0.0 - 3,276.7). |
Ch0Acceleration | INT | Decimal | Percent of Full Scale or Acceleration for Channel 0. Value of the calculated Frequency scaled by the Maximum Frequency or, calculated value of Acceleration in Hz/s, depending on Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type. Note that percent full scale is calculated accurately up to a maximum of 3,276.7%. Beyond this maximum, the value of 3,276.7% is returned, and a Calculation Failure (9) is set in Diagnostic Status. Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type = 0 Range: 0.0...3,276.7% Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type = 1 Range: -32,768...32,767 Hz/sec (2’s Complement if Negative) |
Ch1Frequency | INT | Decimal | Calculated value of Frequency for Channel 1. Frequency can be reported down to 1 or 1.0 Hz, depending on the Frequency Range setting. Below a 1 Hz value, 0 is reported. Below a 1.0 Hz value, 0.0 is reported. Calculated frequency depends on Minimum Sampling Time and Missing Pulse Multiplier. If input pulses are not present within the time periods allotted by these parameters, zero frequency (0 or 0.0) is reported depending additionally on the setting of the Wire Off Fault Detection Mode. When the Frequency exceeds the module’s Max Input Frequency, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported, or- the Frequency value 3,276.7 is reported, depending on the Frequency Range data type. When the Scaled Frequency exceeds 32,767 or 3,276.7, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported. If a Wire Off Alarm is detected and enabled, the Frequency reported may be an Unchanged, Maximum (32,767 or 3,276.7 default or the Maximum Frequency value), or Minimum value (1 or 1.0), depending on the selection of the Wire Off Fault Alarm and the Frequency Range data type, or Ch1Frequency Range = 0 when the Frequency in Hz. is 0...32,767 and Ch1Frequency Range = 1 when the Frequency in Hz. is 0.0...3,276.7. |
Ch1Acceleration | INT | Decimal | Percent of Full Scale or Acceleration for Channel 1. Value of the calculated Frequency scaled by the Maximum Frequency or, calculated value of Acceleration in Hz/s, depending on Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type. Note that the percent full scale is calculated accurately up to a maximum of 3,276.7%. Beyond this maximum, the value of 3,276.7% is returned, and a Calculation Failure (9) is set in Diagnostic Status. Ch1Acceleration = 0 Range: 0.0...3,276.7% Ch1Acceleration = 1 Range: -32,768...32,767 Hz/sec (2’s Complement if Negative) |
Alarms | INT | Binary | Alarm data. |
Ch1MissingPulse | BOOL | Decimal | Missing Pulse Alarm (channel 1) – Indicates when no Frequency input pulse has occurred within the period determined by the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time and the Missing Pulse Multiplier. Primary control is given to the Missing Pulse Multiplier to determine when this data type is set. However, if the Missing Pulse Multiplier is set to 0, then the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time characteristics determine when this data type is set. |
Ch1WireOff | BOOL | Decimal | Wire Off Fault Alarm (channel 1) – when set, indicates when 24V dc Input (IEC 1+ or Switch Contact with shunt) Wire Off Detection has gone true for any of the Frequency or Gate inputs on a channel that has the Wire Off Fault
Select = 1 |
Ch1FrequencyAccel | BOOL | Decimal | Frequency or Acceleration Alarm (channel 1) – Changes state from 0 to 1 if the calculated Frequency (actual or scaled) exceeds the user programmed Maximum Frequency, or the absolute value of calculated Acceleration/Deceleration exceeds the user programmed Maximum Acceleration Value.
The Frequency Alarm turns off when the Frequency drops below 95% of the Alarm Value.
The Acceleration Alarm turns off when the Acceleration drops below 90% of the Alarm Value. |
Ch1GateState | BOOL | Decimal | Gate Input State (channel 1) – Indicates if there is a valid signal on the gate input. This parameter is only determined once every 0.5 – 2s. |
Ch1Direction5 | BOOL | Decimal | Direction (channel 1) – Indicates the current Direction of Rotation, using both the Frequency and Gate inputs. (Frequency leads Gate = Clockwise, Gate leads Frequency = CounterClockwise). Used for slow speed detection from 1...1,500 Hz. No or Stopped rotation can be determined by the state of the Missing Pulse Alarm, when it is switched on. A missing Frequency Input generates a Missing Pulse Alarm, a missing Gate Input only generates a No Sensor Present / Detected status (3). |
Ch0MissingPulse | BOOL | Decimal | Missing Pulse Alarm (channel 0) – Indicates when no Frequency input pulse has occurred within the period determined by the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time and the Missing Pulse Multiplier. Primary control is given to the Missing Pulse Multiplier to determine when this data type is set. However, if the Missing Pulse Multiplier is set to 0, then the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time characteristics determine when this data type is set. |
Ch0WireOff | BOOL | Decimal | Wire Off Fault Alarm (channel 0) – When set, indicates when 24V dc Input (IEC 1+ or Switch Contact with shunt) Wire Off Detection has gone true for any of the Frequency or Gate inputs on a channel that has the Wire Off Fault
Select = 1 |
Ch0FrequencyAccel | BOOL | Decimal | Frequency or Acceleration Alarm (channel 0) – Changes state from 0 to 1 if the calculated Frequency (actual or scaled) exceeds the user programmed Maximum Frequency, or the absolute value of calculated Acceleration/Deceleration exceeds the user programmed Maximum Acceleration Value.
The Frequency Alarm turns off when the Frequency drops below 95% of the Alarm Value.
The Acceleration Alarm turns off when the Acceleration drops below 90% of the Alarm Value. |
Ch0GateState | BOOL | Decimal | Gate Input State (channel 0) – Indicates if there is a valid signal on the gate input. This parameter is only determined once every 0.5 – 2s. |
Ch0Direction13 | BOOL | Decimal | Direction (channel 0) – Indicates the current Direction of Rotation, using both the Frequency and Gate Inputs. (Frequency leads Gate = Clockwise, Gate leads Frequency = Counter/Clockwise). Used for slow speed detection from 1...1,5000 Hz. No or Stopped rotation is determined by the state of the Missing Pulse Alarm, when it is switched on. A missing Frequency Input generates a Missing Pulse Alarm. A missing Gate Input generates a No Sensor Present/Detected status (3) only. |
DiagnosticStatus | INT | Binary | Diagnostic status data. |
DiagnosticStatus1 DiagnosticStatus2
DiagnosticStatus3 | BOOL | Decimal | Indicate the response from the module, a normal or non-normal operating condition. Follow the table below for settings. |
DiagnosticStatus3 | DiagnosticStatus2 | DiagnosticStatus1 | DiagnosticStatus0 | Value |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0=Normal Operation (No Failure) |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1=Calibration Failure |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2=Configuration Failure
A minimum Frequency Sample Time value other than 0-9 was selected. |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3=Message Failure |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4=Lead Break Detection Hardware Failure |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5=Major Hardware Failure |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6=EEPROM Failure |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7=RAM Failure |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8=ROM Failure |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9=Calculation Failure
The actual Frequency is greater than 32,767 Hz. or 3,276.7 Hz. (overrange).
The scaled Frequency is greater than 32,767 Hz. or 3,276.7 Hz. (overrange).
The %Full Scale calculation (based on Maximum Frequency) is greater than 32,767%. |
1010-1111 | 10-15=Not Used |
Module-defined Data Type: AB:1794_IJ2I:I:0
Member Name | Type | Default Display Style | Description |
Fault | DINT | Binary | Used for Input Data Validation - 0 means the data is valid. If the connection to the module has been lost, or if the module has a severe hardware fault, 1s are represented in this input data type. |
Ch0Frequency | DINT | Binary | Calculated value of Frequency for Channel 0. Frequency can be reported down to 1 or 1.0 Hz, depending on the Frequency Range setting. Below a 1 Hz value, 0 is reported. Below a 1.0 Hz value, 0.0 is reported. Calculated frequency depends on Minimum Sampling Time and Missing Pulse Multiplier. If input pulses are not present within the time periods allotted by these parameters, zero frequency (0 or 0.0) is reported, depending additionally on the setting of the Wire Off Fault Detection Mode. When the Frequency exceeds the module’s Max Input Frequency, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported, or- the Frequency value 3,276.7 is reported, depending on the Frequency Range data type. When the Scaled Frequency exceeds 32,767 or 3,276.7, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported. If a Wire Off Alarm is detected and enabled, the Frequency reported may be an Unchanged, Maximum (32,767 or 3,276.7 default or the Maximum Frequency value), or Minimum value (1 or 1.0), depending on the selection of the Wire Off Fault Alarm and the Frequency Range data type. Range: 0...32,767 or 0.0...3,276.7 depending on state of Frequency Range data type, or Freq Range = 0 when the Frequency in Hz. is 0 - 32,767 and Freq Range = 1 when the Frequency in Hz. is (0.0 - 3,276.7). |
Ch0Acceleration | DINT | Binary | Percent of Full Scale or Acceleration for Channel 0. Value of the calculated Frequency scaled by the Maximum Frequency or, calculated value of Acceleration in Hz/s, depending on Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type. Note that percent full scale is calculated accurately up to a maximum of 3,276.7%. Beyond this maximum, the value of 3,276.7% is returned, and a Calculation Failure (9) is set in Diagnostic Status. Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type = 0 Range: 0.0...3,276.7% Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type = 1 Range: -32,768...32,767 Hz/sec (2’s Complement if Negative) |
Ch1Frequency | DINT | Binary | Calculated value of Frequency for Channel 1. Frequency can be reported down to 1 or 1.0 Hz, depending on the Frequency Range setting. Below a 1 Hz value, 0 is reported. Below a 1.0 Hz value, 0.0 is reported. Calculated frequency depends on Minimum Sampling Time and Missing Pulse Multiplier. If input pulses are not present within the time periods allotted by these parameters, zero frequency (0 or 0.0) is reported depending additionally on the setting of the Wire Off Fault Detection Mode. When the Frequency exceeds the module’s Max Input Frequency, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported, or- the Frequency value 3,276.7 is reported, depending on the Frequency Range data type. When the Scaled Frequency exceeds 32,767 or 3,276.7, the Frequency value 32,767 is reported. If a Wire Off Alarm is detected and enabled, the Frequency reported may be an Unchanged, Maximum (32,767 or 3,276.7 default or the Maximum Frequency value), or Minimum value (1 or 1.0), depending on the selection of the Wire Off Fault Alarm and the Frequency Range data type, or Ch1Frequency Range = 0 when the Frequency in Hz. is 0 - 32,767 and Ch1Frequency Range = 1 when the Frequency in Hz. is 0.0 - 3,276.7. |
Ch1Acceleration | DINT | Binary | Percent of Full Scale or Acceleration for Channel 1. Value of the calculated Frequency scaled by the Maximum Frequency or, calculated value of Acceleration in Hz/s, depending on Frequency or Acceleration Alarm select data type. Note that the percent full scale is calculated accurately up to a maximum of 3,276.7%. Beyond this maximum, the value of 3,276.7% is returned, and a Calculation Failure (9) is set in Diagnostic Status. Ch1Acceleration = 0 Range: 0.0...3,276.7% Ch1Acceleration = 1 Range: -32,768...32,767 Hz/sec (2’s Complement if Negative) |
Alarms | INT | Binary | Alarm data. |
Ch1MissingPulse | BIT | Binary | Alarms:0; Missing Pulse Alarm (channel 1) – Indicates when no Frequency input pulse has occurred within the period determined by the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time and the Missing Pulse Multiplier. Primary control is given to the Missing Pulse Multiplier to determine when this data type is set. However, if the Missing Pulse Multiplier is set to 0, then the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time characteristics determine when this data type is set. |
Ch1WireOff | BIT | Binary | Alarms:1; Wire Off Fault Alarm (channel 1) – when set, indicates when 24V dc Input (IEC 1+ or Switch Contact with shunt) Wire Off Detection has gone true for any of the Frequency or Gate inputs on a channel that has the Wire Off Fault
Select = 1 |
Ch1FrequencyAccel | BIT | Binary | Alarms:2; Frequency or Acceleration Alarm (channel 1) – Changes state from 0 to 1 if the calculated Frequency (actual or scaled) exceeds the user programmed Maximum Frequency, or the absolute value of calculated Acceleration/Deceleration exceeds the user programmed Maximum Acceleration Value.
The Frequency Alarm turns off when the Frequency drops below 95% of the Alarm Value.
The Acceleration Alarm turns off when the Acceleration drops below 90% of the Alarm Value. |
Ch1GateState | BIT | Binary | Alarms:3; Gate Input State (channel 1) – Indicates if there is a valid signal on the gate input. This parameter is only determined once every 0.5 – 2s. |
Ch1Direction5 | BIT | Binary | Alarms:4, Alarms:5; Direction (channel 1) – Indicates the current Direction of Rotation, using both the Frequency and Gate inputs. (Frequency leads Gate = Clockwise, Gate leads Frequency = CounterClockwise). Used for slow speed detection from 1 – 1,500Hz. No or Stopped rotation can be determined by the state of the Missing Pulse Alarm, when it is switched on. A missing Frequency Input generates a Missing Pulse Alarm, a missing Gate Input only generates a No Sensor Present / Detected status (3). |
Ch1DiagnosticStatus_6 | BIT | Binary | Alarms:6 |
Ch1DiagnosticStatus_7 | BIT | Binary | Alarms:7 |
Ch0MissingPulse | BIT | Binary | Alarms:8; Missing Pulse Alarm (channel 0) – Indicates when no Frequency input pulse has occurred within the period determined by the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time and the Missing Pulse Multiplier. Primary control is given to the Missing Pulse Multiplier to determine when this data type is set. However, if the Missing Pulse Multiplier is set to 0, then the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time characteristics determine when this data type is set. |
Ch0WireOff | BIT | Binary | Alarms:9; Wire Off Fault Alarm (channel 0) – When set, indicates when 24V dc Input (IEC 1+ or Switch Contact with shunt) Wire Off Detection has gone true for any of the Frequency or Gate inputs on a channel that has the Wire Off Fault
Select = 1 |
Ch0FrequencyAccel | BIT | Binary | Alarms:10; Frequency or Acceleration Alarm (channel 0) – Changes state from 0 to 1 if the calculated Frequency (actual or scaled) exceeds the user programmed Maximum Frequency, or the absolute value of calculated Acceleration/Deceleration exceeds the user programmed Maximum Acceleration Value.
The Frequency Alarm turns off when the Frequency drops below 95% of the Alarm Value.
The Acceleration Alarm turns off when the Acceleration drops below 90% of the Alarm Value. |
Ch0GateState | BIT | Binary | Alarms:11; Gate Input State (channel 0) – Indicates if there is a valid signal on the gate input. This parameter is only determined once every 0.5 – 2s. |
Ch0Direction13 | BIT | Binary | Alarms:12, Alarms:13; Direction (channel 0) – Indicates the current Direction of Rotation, using both the Frequency and Gate Inputs. (Frequency leads Gate = Clockwise, Gate leads Frequency = Counter/Clockwise). Used for slow speed detection from 1 to 1,5000 Hz. No or Stopped rotation is determined by the state of the Missing Pulse Alarm, when it is switched on. A missing Frequency Input generates a Missing Pulse Alarm. A missing Gate Input generates a No Sensor Present/Detected status (3) only. |
DiagnosticStatus_15 | BOOL | Decimal | Indicate the response from the module, a normal or non-normal operating condition. Follow the table below for settings. |
DiagnosticStatus14 | DiagnosticStatus15 | Value | ||
0 | 0 | 0=Normal Operation (No Failure) | ||
0 | 1 | 1=Calibration Failure | ||
1 | 0 | 2=Configuration Failure
A minimum Frequency Sample Time value other than 0-9 was selected. | ||
1 | 1 | 3=Message Failure | ||
0 | 0 | 4=Lead Break Detection Hardware Failure | ||
0 | 1 | 5=Major Hardware Failure | ||
1 | 0 | 6=EEPROM Failure | ||
1 | 1 | 7=RAM Failure | ||
0 | 0 | 8=ROM Failure | ||
0 | 1 | 9=Calculation Failure
The actual Frequency is greater than 32,767 Hz. or 3,276.7 Hz. (overrange).
The scaled Frequency is greater than 32,767 Hz. or 3,276.7 Hz. (overrange).
The %Full Scale calculation (based on Maximum Frequency) is greater than 32,767%. | ||
1010-1111 | 10-15=Not Used | |||
Module-defined Data Type: AB:1794_IJ2:C:0 or AB:1797_IJ2:C:0
In order to enable Alarm outputs, the CommFault member in this data type must be set to 1. If this member is set to 0, the module does not return Alarm outputs. You can enable this member through the Data Monitor in the
Logix Designer
application.Member Name | Type | Default Display Style | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
Config1 | INT | Binary | Configuration data. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseMult1 | BOOL | Decimal | Missing pulse multiplier (channel 1) – Used to modify the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to allow the frequency bandwidth to be more closely adjusted to the value needed to report the proper frequency and report a missing pulse more quickly.
Default = no multiplier; alarm generated immediately Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseMult1 | Ch1MissingPulseMult0 | Missing Pulse
Multiplier | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s delay). | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | X2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | X8 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | X32 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1PulsesToTermSample4 | BOOL | Decimal | Pulses to Terminate Sampling (channel 1) – Lets you calculate Frequency when a specified number of input pulses have occurred. This allows earlier reporting of the frequency than the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time, when many input pulses are occurring. Accurate frequency determination is possible without waiting for the full Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to expire.
Default = minimum frequency sampling time. Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1PulsesToTermSample4 | Ch1PulsesToTermSample3 | Ch1PulsesToTermSample2 | Number of pulses to terminate
sampling | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | Use minimum frequency sampling time | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 16 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 1 | 32 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 0 | 64 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 1 | 128 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyRange | BOOL | Decimal | Frequency range (channel 1) – Specifies the Frequency Range of the Frequency input.
0 = 1-32767 (below 1Hz reports 0);
1 = 1.0-3276.7 (below 1.0Hz reports 0.0).
Default = 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
FaultMode | BOOL | Decimal | Fault Mode - determines how the module safe state data is used to control alarm outputs for communication and internal module faults (local fault = Wire Off Fault or Missing Pulse Alarm).
0 = safe states activated by communication only;
1 = safe states activated by any failure (communication, internal module faults, etc.)
Default = 0, safe states activated by communication only | ||||||||||||||||||||
AltPulsesToTermSamp | BOOL | Decimal | Alternate Pulses To Terminate Sampling – Tip: This member is used in the 1797-IJ2 only. This member determines that you wish to use an alternate set of values to choose from, rather than the default set of values provided for Pulses To Terminate Sampling. The Pulses To Terminate Sampling selection allows you to calculate frequency as soon as the specified number of input pulses has occurred, rather than waiting for the full Minimum Frequency Sample Time to expire. Use of the Alternate Pulses To Terminate Sampling selection gives you another set of values to choose from when making your Pulses To Terminate Sampling selection. Tip: The Alternate Pulses To Terminate Sampling selection pertains to both channels.
0 = not used (default)
1 = Alternate Pulses to Terminate Sampling is selected | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseMult9 | BOOL | Decimal | Missing pulse multiplier (channel 0) – used to modify the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to allow the frequency bandwidth to be more closely adjusted to the value needed to report the proper frequency and report a missing pulse more quickly.
Default = no multiplier; alarm generated immediately Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseMult9 | Ch0MissingPulseMult8 | Minimum frequency
time | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s delay). | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | X2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | X8 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | X32 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0PulsesToTermSample12 | BOOL | Decimal | Pulses to Terminate Sampling (channel 0) – Lets you calculate Frequency when a specified number of input pulses have occurred. This allows earlier reporting of the frequency than the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time, when many input pulses are occurring. Accurate frequency determination is possible without waiting for the full Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to expire.
Default = minimum frequency sampling time. Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0PulsesToTermSample12 | Ch0PulsesToTermSample11 | Ch0PulsesToTermSample10 | Number of pulses to terminate
sampling | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | Use minimum frequency sampling time | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 16 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 1 | 32 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 0 | 64 | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 1 | 128 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyRange | BOOL | Decimal | Frequency range (channel 0) – Specifies the Frequency Range of the Frequency input.
0 = 1-32767 (below 1Hz reports 0);
1 = 1.0-3276.7 (below 1.0Hz reports 0.0).
Default = 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
CommFaultBehavior | BOOL | Decimal | Safe state mode selection – Determines how module alarm outputs react to communication and internal module faults (local fault = Wire Off Fault or Missing Pulse Alarm).
0 = Reset outputs
1 = Hold last state
Default = 0 (reset outputs). | ||||||||||||||||||||
CommFault | BOOL | Decimal | Communication fault – Signals the module that communications has been interrupted on the network. The adapter signals that the module should execute its fault routine or go to the Safe State and control any Alarm Outputs accordingly. During normal startup, this data type must be set to 1 in the Data Monitor of the RSLogix software in order to enable operation of Alarm Outputs. When the adapter communication link is broken, the adapter will reset this to 0. In this condition, the module must be reconfigured setting the CommFault member to 1 in order for CommFault to take effect.
Default = 0. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0Frequency_Acceleration | INT | Decimal | Maximum frequency or absolute value acceleration/deceleration (channel 0) – Specifies the highest Frequency or absolute Acceleration/Deceleration value allowed on the Frequency input. 0-32,767, 0.0-3,276.7Hz. –OR– 0-32,767Hz/s depending on the Frequency Range and Frequency/Acceleration Alarm Select settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyMultiplier | SINT | Decimal | Frequency multiplier (channel 0) – Specifies a multiplier to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling multiplication performed (x1) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyDivisor | SINT | Decimal | Frequency divisor (channel 0) – Specifies divisor to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling division performed (divided by 1) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Config2 | INT | Binary | Configuration data. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulse_WireOff1 | BOOL | Decimal | Wire-Off/Missing Pulse Mode (channel 0) – Sets the mode for 24V dc IEC 1+ Wire Off Input Detection and Missing Pulse Detection result for any input (Frequency or Gate). The Maximum Frequency is determined by Frequency Range and the Maximum Frequency value, and the Minimum Frequency is determined by the Frequency Range setting. The Wire Off detect time (in mode 1, 2, & 3) is 2 seconds maximum. Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0 MissingPulse_WireOff 1 | Ch0 MissingPulse_WireOff0 | Channel wire-off/missing pulse fault mode | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Disabled | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | Alarm only (frequency unchanged) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | Alarm and force frequency to maximum frequency value (32767 or 3276.7 or maximum frequency value, 0). | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | Alarm and force frequency to minimum frequency value (0 or 0.0). | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseDelayMult3 | BOOL | Decimal | Missing Pulse Delay Multiplier (channel 0) – Specifies the number of Missing Pulse Alarms periods (Minimum Frequency Sampling Times) that are tolerated before the alarm is actually generated, if enabled. (Used to defeat the Missing Pulse Alarm during a system startup.)
Default = 0 - No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s extension delay)
Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseDelayMult3 | Ch0MissingPulseDelayMult2 | Alarm periods before alarm
generated | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s extension delay). | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 8 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 32 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0FreqAccelSelect | BOOL | Decimal | Frequency/Acceleration (channel 0) – Determines if the value in the Maximum Frequency or Acceleration data type is a Frequency (actual or scaled) or Acceleration Alarm value. If set to Frequency, Acceleration is not calculated.
0 = frequency alarm
1 = acceleration alarm
Default = 0 - frequency alarm | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0AccelCalcTime6 | BOOL | Decimal | Acceleration Calculation Time (channel 0) – Specifies the number of Frequency Sample Times over which the module calculates acceleration.
Default = 0 - Rolling Average (previous 4 samples)
Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0AccelCalcTime6 | Ch0AccelCalcTime5 | Acceleration Calculation Time in Frequency Sample Times | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Rolling Average (previous 4 samples) | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 16 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 32 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0InitiateStartup | BOOL | Decimal | Startup Mode (channel 0) – Alerts a channel that if process start up is in progress to defeat the missing pulse alarm for a time determined by the missing pulse delay multiplier.
0 = Normal Run Mode
1 = Startup Mode - defeat/delay Missing Pulse Alarm
Default = 0 -Normal Run Mode | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0SamplingTime11 | BOOL | Decimal | Minimum Frequency Sampling Time (channel 0) – Specifies the minimum time (in ms) the module will spend collecting pulses to determine the Frequency. Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0SamplingTime11 | Ch0SamplingTime10 | Ch0SamplingTime9 | Ch0SamplingTime8 | Minimum Frequency
Time – in ms | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 20 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 50 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 100 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 200 | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 500 | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1000 | |||||||||||||||||||
1010 to 1111 not used – 2ms default sample time used | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyInvert | BOOL | Decimal | Invert Input-Frequency (channel 0) – Selects whether to invert the Frequency input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Open” relay or switch contact on the 24 Vdc Frequency Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Closed” relay contact the 24 Vdc Frequency Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On)
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On)
Default = 0 - Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0GateInvert | BOOL | Decimal | Invert Input-Gate (channel 0) – Selects whether to invert the Gate input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Open” relay or switch contact on the 24 Vdc Gate Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Closed” relay contact on the 24 Vdc Gate Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On)
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On)
Default = 0 - Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyFault | BOOL | Decimal | Detect Frequency Input Wire-Off (channel 0) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24 Vdc Frequency input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Tip: Customer devices must draw more than 0.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a “shunt resistor” (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Default: = 0 - Disable | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch0GateFault | BOOL | Decimal | Detect Gate Input Wire-Off (channel 0) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24 Vdc Gate input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Tip: Customer devices must draw more than.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a “shunt resistor” (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disabled (default)
1 = Enabled | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1Frequency_Acceleration | INT | Decimal | Maximum Frequency/Acceleration (channel 1) – Specifies the highest Frequency or absolute Acceleration/Deceleration value allowed on the Frequency input. 0-32,767, 0.0-3,276.7Hz. –OR–0-32,767Hz/s depending on the Frequency Range and Frequency/Acceleration Alarm Select settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyMultiplier | SINT | Decimal | Frequency Multiplier (channel 1) – Specifies a multiplier to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling multiplication performed (x1) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyDivisor | SINT | Decimal | Frequency Divisor (channel 1) – Specifies divisor to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling division performed (divided by 1) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Config3 | INT | Binary | Configuration data. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulse_WireOff1 | BOOL | Decimal | Wire-Off/Missing Pulse Fault Select Mode (channel 1) – Sets the mode for 24 Vdc IEC 1+ Wire Off Input Detection and Missing Pulse Detection result for any input (Frequency or Gate). The Maximum Frequency is determined by Frequency Range and the Maximum Frequency value, and the Minimum Frequency is determined by the Frequency Range setting. The Wire Off detect time (in mode 1, 2, & 3) is 2 seconds maximum. Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulse_WireOff1 | Ch1MissingPulse_WireOff0 | Channel wire-off/missing pulse fault mode | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Disabled | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | Alarm only (frequency unchanged) | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | Alarm and force frequency to maximum frequency value (32767 or 3276.7 or maximum frequency value not equal to 0). | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | Alarm and force frequency to minimum frequency value (0 or 0.0). | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseDelayMult3 | BOOL | Decimal | Missing pulse delay multiplier (channel 1) – Specifies the number of Missing Pulse Alarms periods (Minimum Frequency Sampling Times) which will be tolerated before the alarm is actually generated, if enabled. (Used to defeat the Missing Pulse Alarm during a system startup.)
Default = 0 – No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s extension delay) Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseDelayMult3 | Ch1MissingPulseDelayMult2 | Alarm periods before alarm
generated | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s extension delay). | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 8 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 32 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1FreqAccelSelect | BOOL | Decimal | Frequency or Acceleration (channel 1) – Determines if the value in the Maximum Frequency or Acceleration write data type is a Frequency (actual or scaled) or Acceleration Alarm value. If set to Frequency, Acceleration is not calculated.
0 = frequency alarm
1 = acceleration alarm
Default = 0 – frequency alarm | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1AccelCalcTime6 | BOOL | Decimal | Acceleration Calculation Time (channel 1) – Specifies the number of Frequency Sample Times over which the module calculates acceleration.
Default = 0 – Rolling Average (previous 4 samples)+ Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1AccelCalcTime6 | Ch1AccelCalcTime5 | Acceleration Calculation Time in Frequency Sample Times | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Rolling Average (previous 4 samples) | |||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 8 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 16 | |||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 32 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1InitiateStartup | BOOL | Decimal | Startup Mode-(Initiate Startup Select for channel 1) – Alerts a channel that if process start up is in progress to defeat the missing pulse alarm for a time determined by the missing pulse delay multiplier.
0 = Normal Run Mode;
1 = Startup Mode – defeat/delay Missing Pulse Alarm
Default = 0 – Normal Run Mode | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1SamplingTime11 | BOOL | Decimal | Minimum Frequency Sampling Time (channel 1) – Specifies the minimum time (in ms) the module will spend collecting pulses to determine the Frequency. Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1SamplingTime11 | Ch1SamplingTime10 | Ch1SamplingTime9 | Ch1SamplingTime8 | Minimum Frequency Sampling
Time – in ms | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 20 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 50 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 100 | |||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 200 | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 500 | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1000 | |||||||||||||||||||
1010 to 1111 not used – 2ms default sample time used | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyInvert | BOOL | Decimal | Invert Frequency (channel 1) – Selects whether to invert the Frequency input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Open” relay or switch contact on the 24 Vdc Frequency Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Closed” relay contact on the 24 Vdc Frequency Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On),
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On).
Default = 0 – Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1GateInvert | BOOL | Decimal | Invert -Gate (channel 1) – Selects whether to invert the Gate input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Open” relay or switch contact on the 24 Vdc Gate Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or “Normally Closed” relay contact on the 24 Vdc Gate Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On),
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On)
Default = 0 – Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyFault | BOOL | Decimal | Detect Frequency Fault (channel 1) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24 Vdc Frequency input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Tip: Customer devices must draw more than 0.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a “shunt resistor” (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable,
1 = Enable
Default: = 0 – Disable | ||||||||||||||||||||
Ch1GateFault | BOOL | Decimal | Detect Gate (channel 1) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24 Vdc Gate input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Tip: Customer devices must draw more than.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a “shunt resistor” (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable,
1 = Enable
Default = 0 – Disable |
Module-defined Data Type: AB:1794_IJ2I:C:0
In order to enable Alarm outputs, the CommFault member in this data type must be set to 1. If this member is set to 0, the module does not return Alarm outputs. You can enable this member through the Data Monitor in the
Logix Designer
application. Member Name | Type | Default Display Style | Description | |||||||||||||||
Config1 | INT | Binary | Configuration data. | |||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseMult_0 | BIT | Binary | Missing pulse multiplier (channel 0) – Used to modify the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to allow the frequency bandwidth to be more closely adjusted to the value needed to report the proper frequency and report a missing pulse more quickly.
Default = no multiplier; alarm generated immediately Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseMult_1 | BIT | Binary | Missing pulse multiplier (channel 1) – Used to modify the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to allow the frequency bandwidth to be more closely adjusted to the value needed to report the proper frequency and report a missing pulse more quickly.
Default = no multiplier; alarm generated immediately Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch1FreqAccelSelect | BIT | Binary | Frequency/Acceleration (channel 1) – Determines if the value in the Maximum Frequency or Acceleration data type is a Frequency (actual or scaled) or Acceleration Alarm value. If set to Frequency, Acceleration is not calculated.
0 = frequency alarm
1 = acceleration alarm
Default = 0 - frequency alarm | |||||||||||||||
Reserved | BIT (3-7) | |||||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseMult_8 | BIT | Binary | Missing pulse multiplier (channel 0) – Used to modify the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to allow the frequency bandwidth to be more closely adjusted to the value needed to report the proper frequency and report a missing pulse more quickly.
Default = no multiplier; alarm generated immediately Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseMult_9 | BIT | Binary | Missing pulse multiplier (channel 0) – Used to modify the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to allow the frequency bandwidth to be more closely adjusted to the value needed to report the proper frequency and report a missing pulse more quickly.
Default = no multiplier; alarm generated immediately Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseMult1 | Ch0MissingPulseMult0 | Missing Pulse
Multiplier | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s delay). | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | X2 | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | X8 | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | X32 | ||||||||||||||||
Ch0FreqAccelSelect | BIT | Binary | Frequency/Acceleration (channel 0) – Determines if the value in the Maximum Frequency or Acceleration data type is a Frequency (actual or scaled) or Acceleration Alarm value. If set to Frequency, Acceleration is not calculated.
0 = frequency alarm
1 = acceleration alarm
Default = 0 - frequency alarm | |||||||||||||||
Reserved | BIT (11-15) | |||||||||||||||||
Ch0PulsesToTermSample Ch1PulsesToTermSample | SINT | Pulses to Terminate Sampling (channel 1) – Lets you calculate Frequency when a specified number of input pulses have occurred. This allows earlier reporting of the frequency than the Minimum Frequency Sampling Time, when many input pulses are occurring. Accurate frequency determination is possible without waiting for the full Minimum Frequency Sampling Time to expire.
Default = minimum frequency sampling time. Follow the table below for settings. | ||||||||||||||||
Ch1PulsesToTermSample12 | Ch1PulsesToTermSample11 | Ch1PulsesToTermSample10 | Number of pulses to terminate
sampling | |||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | Use minimum frequency sampling time | |||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | |||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 8 | |||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 1 | 32 | |||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 0 | 64 | |||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 1 | 128 | |||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyMultiplier | SINT | Frequency multiplier (channel 0) – Specifies a multiplier to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling multiplication performed (x1) | ||||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyDivisor | SINT | Frequency divisor (channel 0) – Specifies divisor to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling division performed (divided by 1) | ||||||||||||||||
Config2 | INT | Binary | Configuration data | |||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulse_WireOff_0 Ch0MissingPulse_WireOff_1 | BIT | Binary | Wire-Off/Missing Pulse Mode (channel 0) – Sets the mode for 24V dc IEC 1+ Wire Off Input Detection and Missing Pulse Detection result for any input (Frequency or Gate). The Maximum Frequency is determined by Frequency Range and the Maximum Frequency value, and the Minimum Frequency is determined by the Frequency Range setting. The Wire Off detect time (in mode 1, 2, & 3) is 2 seconds maximum. Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch0 MissingPulse_WireOff 1 | Ch0 MissingPulse_WireOff0 | Channel wire-off/missing pulse fault mode | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Disabled | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | Alarm only (frequency unchanged) | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | Alarm and force frequency to maximum frequency value (32767 or 3276.7 or maximum frequency value, 0). | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | Alarm and force frequency to minimum frequency value (0 or 0.0). | ||||||||||||||||
Ch0MissingPulseDelayMult_2 Ch0MissingPulseDelayMult_3 | BIT | Binary | Missing Pulse Delay Multiplier (channel 0) – Specifies the number of Missing Pulse Alarms periods (Minimum Frequency Sampling Times) that are tolerated before the alarm is actually generated, if enabled. (Used to defeat the Missing Pulse Alarm during a system startup.)
Default = 0 - No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s extension delay)
Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch0 MissingPulse_WireOff 1 | Ch0 MissingPulse_WireOff0 | Channel wire-off/missing pulse fault mode | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Disabled | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | Alarm only (frequency unchanged) | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | Alarm and force frequency to maximum frequency value (32767 or 3276.7 or maximum frequency value, 0). | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | Alarm and force frequency to minimum frequency value (0 or 0.0). | ||||||||||||||||
Reserved | BIT (4) | |||||||||||||||||
Ch0AccelCalcTime_5 Ch0AccelCalcTime_6 | BIT | Binary | Acceleration Calculation Time (channel 0) – Specifies the number of Frequency Sample Times over which the module calculates acceleration.
Default = 0 - Rolling Average (previous 4 samples)
Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch0AccelCalcTime6 | Ch0AccelCalcTime5 | Acceleration Calculation Time in Frequency Sample Times | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Rolling Average (previous 4 samples) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 16 | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 32 | ||||||||||||||||
Ch0InitiateStartup | BIT | Binary | Startup Mode (channel 0) – Alerts a channel that if process start up is in progress to defeat the missing pulse alarm for a time determined by the missing pulse delay multiplier.
0 = Normal Run Mode
1 = Startup Mode - defeat/delay Missing Pulse Alarm
Default = 0 -Normal Run Mode | |||||||||||||||
Ch0SamplingTime_8 Ch0SamplingTime_9 Ch0SamplingTime_10 Ch0SamplingTime_11 | BIT | Binary | Minimum Frequency Sampling Time (channel 0) – Specifies the minimum time (in ms) the module spends collecting pulses to determine the Frequency. Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch0SamplingTime11 | Ch0SamplingTime10 | Ch0SamplingTime9 | Ch0SamplingTime8 | Minimum Frequency
Time – in ms | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 20 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 50 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 100 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 200 | ||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 500 | ||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1000 | ||||||||||||||
1010 to 1111 not used – 2 ms default sample time used | ||||||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyInvert | BIT | Binary | Invert Input-Frequency (channel 0) – Selects whether to invert the Frequency input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24V dc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Open relay or switch contact on the 24V dc Frequency Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24V dc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Closed relay contact the 24V dc Frequency Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On)
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On)
Default = 0 - Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | |||||||||||||||
Ch0GateInvert | BIT | Binary | Invert Input-Gate (channel 0) – Selects whether to invert the Gate input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24V dc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Open relay or switch contact on the 24V dc Gate Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24V dc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Closed relay contact on the 24V dc Gate Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On)
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On)
Default = 0 - Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | |||||||||||||||
Ch0FrequencyFault | BIT | Binary | Detect Frequency Input Wire-Off (channel 0) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24V dc Frequency input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Note that Customer devices must draw more than 0.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a shunt resistor (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Default: = 0 - Disable | |||||||||||||||
Ch0GateFault | BIT | Binary | Detect Gate Input Wire-Off (channel 0) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24V dc Gate input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Note that Customer devices must draw more than.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a shunt resistor (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disabled (default)
1 = Enabled | |||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyMultiplier | SINT | Frequency Multiplier (channel 1) – Specifies a multiplier to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling multiplication performed (x1) | ||||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyDivisor | SINT | Frequency Divisor (channel 1) – Specifies divisor to scale the incoming Frequency value. 0-255.
Default = 0 – no scaling division performed (divided by 1) | ||||||||||||||||
Config3 | INT | Binary | Configuration data | |||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulse_WireOff_0 Ch1MissingPulse_WireOff_1 | BIT | Binary | Wire-Off/Missing Pulse Fault Select Mode (channel 1) – Sets the mode for 24V dc IEC 1+ Wire Off Input Detection and Missing Pulse Detection result for any input (Frequency or Gate). The Maximum Frequency is determined by Frequency Range and the Maximum Frequency value, and the Minimum Frequency is determined by the Frequency Range setting. The Wire Off detect time (in mode 1, 2, & 3) is 2 seconds maximum. Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulse_WireOff1 | Ch1MissingPulse_WireOff0 | Channel wire-off/missing pulse fault mode | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Disabled | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | Alarm only (frequency unchanged) | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | Alarm and force frequency to maximum frequency value (32,767 or 3276.7 or maximum frequency value not equal
to 0). | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | Alarm and force frequency to minimum frequency value (0 or 0.0). | ||||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseDelayMult_2 Ch1MissingPulseDelayMult_3 | BIT | Binary | Missing pulse delay multiplier (channel 1) – Specifies the number of Missing Pulse Alarms periods (Minimum Frequency Sampling Times) that are tolerated before the alarm is actually generated, if enabled. (Used to defeat the Missing Pulse Alarm during a system startup.)
Default = 0 – No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s extension delay) Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch1MissingPulseDelayMult3 | Ch1MissingPulseDelayMult2 | Alarm periods before
alarm generated | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | No multiplier; alarm generated immediately (normal mode with 2s extension delay). | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 8 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 32 sample periods + 2s delay before alarm. | ||||||||||||||||
Reserved | BIT (4) | |||||||||||||||||
Ch1AccelCalcTime_5 Ch1AccelCalcTime_6 | BIT | Binary | Acceleration Calculation Time (channel 1) – Specifies the number of Frequency Sample Times over which the module calculates acceleration.
Default = 0 – Rolling Average (previous 4 samples)+ Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch1AccelCalcTime6 | Ch1AccelCalcTime5 | Acceleration Calculation Time in Frequency Sample Times | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | Rolling Average (previous 4 samples) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 16 | ||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 32 | ||||||||||||||||
Ch1InitiateStartup | BIT | Binary | Startup Mode-(Initiate Startup Select for channel 1) – Alerts a channel that if process start up is in progress to defeat the missing pulse alarm for a time determined by the missing pulse delay multiplier.
0 = Normal Run Mode;
1 = Startup Mode – defeat/delay Missing Pulse Alarm
Default = 0 – Normal Run Mode | |||||||||||||||
Ch1SamplingTime_8 Ch1SamplingTime_9 Ch1SamplingTime_10 Ch1SamplingTime_11 | BIT | Binary | Minimum Frequency Sampling Time (channel 1) – Specifies the minimum time (in ms) the module spends collecting pulses to determine the Frequency. Follow the table below for settings. | |||||||||||||||
Ch1SamplingTime11 | Ch1SamplingTime10 | Ch1SamplingTime9 | Ch1SamplingTime8 | Minimum Frequency Sampling
Time – in ms | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 20 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 50 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 100 | ||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 200 | ||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 500 | ||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1000 | ||||||||||||||
1010 to 1111 not used – 2ms default sample time used | ||||||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyInvert | BIT | Binary | Invert Frequency (channel 1) – Selects whether to invert the Frequency input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24 V dc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Open relay or switch contact on the 24V dc Frequency Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24 Vdc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Closed relay contact on the 24V dc Frequency Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On),
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On).
Default = 0 – Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | |||||||||||||||
Ch1GateInvert | BIT | Binary | Invert -Gate (channel 1) – Selects whether to invert the Gate input signal, if not using an Active High (24V = On) 24V dc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Open relay or switch contact on the 24V dc Gate Input terminal. Allows compatibility with an Active Low (0V = On) 24V dc IEC 1+ sensor or Normally Closed relay contact on the 24V dc Gate Input terminal.
0 = Normal (Active High, 24V = On),
1 = Invert input (Active Low, 0V = On)
Default = 0 – Normal (Active High, 24V = On) | |||||||||||||||
Ch1FrequencyFault | BIT | Binary | Detect Frequency Fault (channel 1) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24V dc Frequency input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Note that customer devices must draw more than 0.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a shunt resistor (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable,
1 = Enable
Default: = 0 – Disable | |||||||||||||||
Ch1GateFault | BIT | Binary | Detect Gate (channel 1) – Selects whether to turn On or Off the 24V dc Gate input IEC 1+ hardware Wire Off (Lead Breakage) detection. Note that customer devices must draw more than.4 mA in the On and Off State. To use this feature with relays or switches, connect a shunt resistor (~ 50K) across the contacts.
0 = Disable,
1 = Enable
Default = 0 – Disable |
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